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  • Hello. I’d like to speak with you about change gears. The possibility of you cutting a few gears or pointing me in the right direction where I can have some made. Sheldon TU 1248 P lathe. Missing (1) 44 tooth change gear. Thanks in advance
    [email protected]
    I read that would cut 14 1/2 pa change gear. I am curious what you would charge for several 24 & 36 tooth 18 pitch?
    Thank you paul
    Sir,,I have 2 gears coming for the lathe but still need one,,which I couldn`t buy..I am going to try and make one at work on our EDM,,but if that don`t work out I will get in touch with you...Thanks...
    I have 3 possible tapping heads in the range you need (I think. They are 0 - #10 US range) with one collet. 2 are clutch style with MT2 shanks, and an unshanked tapmatic. Price range from $85 - $150 + shipping if you have not solved your tapping head problem.

    If interested, please use email so i can send photos. ehmcofab at clarity connect dot com Run clarity & connect together.

    I have a 70T idler gear in my Takang lathe that has been galled badly. Its approx 114mm in dia and 20mm wide. It spins on a 22mm shaft. How feasable is it to have a replacement made?
    got an error message, so i though i would resend
    "did you get the 10 bucks in the mail for the stainless swarf"?

    if not let me know, i popped two 5's in an envelope to you, and hoped they would get there,

    bob gayle
    1.500 O.D. touch top of part with cutter zero it and move table up or cutter down .750 and that should give you .750 left to be measured. i have enough tolerance in the mating parts so it will work if the shaft distorts. This gets welded to another part as i am sure it will move a little. This is a weldment so if the part that matters moves, it gets stress relieved after welding then machined. Thank you my email is tspoon20 at yahoo dot com
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