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Rick Rowlands

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  • Hey Rick,
    I randomly found your post from 2006 about the Clearing Niagara plant while searching for information about it. I’ve been involved with the plant for the past 3 years, since Buffalo Urban Development Corp (BUDC) took ownership. I’ve had a very intimate look at this plant. Currently it’s being renovated into the WNY Workforce Training Center. I was hoping to see some photos that you took way back when you were there. Prior to my involvement at the site all of the machinery inside has been removed. All that’s left are giant pits where the machines used to be. I have no idea what was in them and would love to know for my own personal interest. I would love to see what this plant looked like before it got to it’s current state. I signed up for an account with practical machinist solely to find out more about this place. Sorry for the random message out of left field haha!

    [email protected]
    Hey Rick,
    I have some questions about Jig Transits I'm looking at a Brunson and I saw a thread you started on a K&E, my question is whether or not any other companies make optical alignment transits that don't cost $20,000 new. I've almost made the decision to go with the Brunson (probably used) but I just thought I'd give it one last look before I buy.
    Max Rosenzweig
    Rapid Thought Technologies
    I went to the foundation site to join, and send a donation. On line payment was down. If you provide an address, I;ll mail a check.
    Ralph Reese
    Good Day Mr Rowlands,
    I am a hobbiest located in North Florida. Our very little railroad is 7 1/2" gauge, and 2' gauge neflsri.com if you are interested.

    I am attempting to build an Industrial Brownhoist wreck crane in 7 1/2" gauge, preferrably operating, and steam powered. In another thread, you stated that you had a manual for a 150 ton crane. I am having trouble understanding the winch machinery. If you have information on the winch, and machinery, I would love to obtain a copy. Of course I am more than willing to pay any costs involved in the reproduction and mailing of this information.
    I hope that this is not an imposition on your time.

    Thank you for any assistance that you could render.

    Ralph M. Reese
    Hi Rick, I just thought that I would check with you to see if the money order for the book ever made it to you it has been over a month and I'm beginning to think it got lost in the mail.

    Thank you.


    No sign of the Tod engine book yet (it' been a month now)

    It'd be nice to hear from you :)

    Bill Todd

    I will be heading to Oshkosh on Friday the 24th for a week and wonder if I might stop by on the way back on or about August 1,2, or 3rd.

    I will need the address of the Todd museum site as I no longer have it from my previous visit some years back.

    Errol Groff
    Preston, CT
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