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  • Working with hand tools vs power was a 'natural' on a farm that saw its first electricity in 1953. Fortunately, the making and use of hammers and chisels was still being taught some years later in our school 'Industrial Arts' class. And it was done largely with other hammers and files. Many times yet today it is just faster to carry a file or chisel to the work than to carry the work to a machine-tool and back.
    I recently purchased a "10-inch" Myers Lathe, and finally got to take a look at it (in person) this past weekend. The only missing component (I know of) is the original tail stock. I'm looking for it AND any help/hints peple have. I'll be posting pictures shortly onthe antique machine forum. Thanks,
    -Dan Ankrom
    How about updating your needs saving post. The Case TLB needs the spotlight now. Spoken for, but help is still needed. Maybe even a railroad jack.

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