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Biden unveils new plan to rebuild American Manufacturing ~ Is this possible ?

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I still contend the US debt is meaningless .....since it will never be paid back ,but simply serviced by funny money......when you own the money tap ,there is no need to even consider money.......Im outraged by the lack of movement in interest rates .....when everyone in the world is running on more and more borrowed money ,why am I getting such pitiful interest paid on my money?....Interest rates should be pushing 10%,not stalled at zero.....This is robbery of the people who have led useful lives to sustain the mega rich in their fantasy lands .Including the orange one .....his enterprises ,centred on tourism and expensive hotels should be bust ,kaput ,wiped out.

I would agree on your assessment of the US debt as meaningless, The US owes a significant percentage of that debt to itself which indirectly is meaningless.

As far as the low interest rates being paid on savings, I think there are a lot of reasons for that. First, interest on money borrowed is an offset for decreased future value in the borrowed currency. With the 2008 financial meltdown, the world's economy was suffering a deflationary spiral. This lead to most countries central banks to in essence do things to inflate asset values.

Here in the US when the Fed did there multiple rounds of Quantitative Easing, they were hoping to generate enough inflation to at least hold the book value of assets albeit an inflation devalued value. That did not happen. To date the Feds has pumped in excess of 5T$. I think the Feds were also attempting to devalue the US Dollar and make US exports more competitive and affordable. This also did not happen since everyone else was doing the same thing and with world financial jitters, the US Dollar and economy was considered the safest bet in town.

As the situation is currently, in essence no one needs your money that is in your savings account. That is why they aren't paying you anything for it. When we literally have negative interest rates in some places, that means banks are paying people to take the money off their hands. It also reflects a financial view that the money today will be worth more tomorrow, a deflationary view.

I think you are misplacing your security if you think your cash in the bank is secure. Yes it is likely protected at face amount but not face value.

You will not see interest rates raise until the central banks adopt a different policy and actually attempt to contract the money supply. With world inflation low, this will not happen.

If you want to prosper with your cash savings, you are going to need to get much more sophisticated in your investment strategy. Expecting 10% interest in a market place in which we have as low as -2% interest places you outside of the market. There are plenty of relatively secure investment strategies that can accomplish your desire, just not the way you are trying to do it.
Trump did not have any trillion deficits before the pandemic. The Federal deficit was $665 Bn in 2017 and $779 Bn in 2017. . . ..

As said, Trump has added about a trillion in deficit before the pandemic. Year by year we add to the debt. Some numbers before and after Trump:

2014 GDP growth of around 2.4% and pretty much beyond the "Great Recession."


2015 .439 Trillion
2016 .585 Trillion
2017 .665 Trilliion
2018 .779 Trillion
2019 .984 Trillion (aka pretty much near a trillion deficit before the pandemic)
2020 1.+++ trillion CBO estimates based on Trump budgets BEFORE the pandemic. $1 Trillion in 2020. Averaging $1.3 Trillion over the next ten years.

2020 actuals, made worse by our handling of the pandemic, will be multiple trillions.

We could also add "debt" in terms of the environment, lost trust of trading partners and allies, etc.
Coverage of COVID-19 has recently overshadowed what has been a widespread and frightening pandemic: Donald-20, also known as Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Symptoms: Inability to accept election results, extreme overuse of the terms "Hitler", "racist", or "xenophobic", promoting mainstream media as a reputable source, being for anything Trump is against and against anything he is for without clear reasoning as a basis

Cause: Any imagery or mention of Donald Trump

Treatment: No ventilators have been necessary. Patients instead exhibit hyperventilation while showing symptoms

Cure for TDS: No mask needed, just turn off the television

Diagnostics: Testing can be performed by simply stating that Trump has said 1 + 1 is equal to 2. If the subject then quickly becomes upset and goes to CNN.com to look for a fact-check of this statement, the result is a positive case of Donald-20.

Unlike COVID-19, those who test positive are not advised to self-isolate, which could subject them to more infection from listening to media. Rather they are advised to go outside and live in the real world, where the absence of all the fabricated doom and gloom becomes obvious.

Attached graph of current, active cases
I would agree on your assessment of the US debt as meaningless . . ..

Or not, in the somewhat longer run.

We can keep keep bailing out financial firms, give favors to pharma firms, trash the environment, have a stupid war every ten years or so . . . until we can't. Sort of like a Ponzi scheme, the question is how long will people keep trusting our economy is working on their behalf? And, how far can we squeeze out those actually adding value and replace them with those extracting it? We wouldn't be the first "empire" to collapse. Personally, I'm pulling for us to truly renew ourselves.

So we can look at some of our biggest sectors and wonder - should we keep shoveling them free money, tax and regulatory preferences, and an allotment of bought and paid for politicians?

1) Let's start with financial firms. They're supposed to be seeing that loans end up going productive uses. How have Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, etc. done with making sure worthy businesses get affordable loans. Was it Goldman's aluminum warehouse or derivatives scams? Maybe JP Morgan foreclosing on people (taking their homes) who werent' even its customers? How about assuring the old steady 7% a year growth in savings and retirement plans we used to count on? Anyone think we've been getting a great deal for our trillions of bailouts - and more to come?

2) How about pharma, medical conglomerates, and medical insurance?
Anyone delighted about how most of the low cost drugs (and an increasing percent of real innovation) now come from overseas firms? How our own industry has US citizens spending around 2x on drugs, with a special law that keeps us as cash cows? What are we getting for giving them more of our GDP than any other country?

One can add health insurance denying coverage until patients die (yea, profits!). Hospital conglomerates charging $100 for an aspirin? We really want to double down on that?

3) How about oil, coal, and refining and shipping interests? The former costing us trillions for repeated wars in the Middle East and a subsidy near the cost of each barrel of oil for a fleet to assure safe passage? Plus a bit of acid rain, rising respiratory disease, periodic too-cheap-to-take-precautions spills (Exxon, BP, hundreds of pipeline and rail incidents). The tax and regulatory breaks to build pipelines and facilities to move our own oil and gas to the highest bidders overseas? The surge in hidden PAC money to make sure we deny the current and future costs of climate change. What are we getting for slowing the pace of developing alternatives, in order to further enrich the incumbents?

4) Maybe large scale real estate? Apparently if you're a Trump or a Kushner you don't have to pay taxes. Latest forecast is that many small property owners will go bankrupt in the current pandemic / recession and their buildings bought up by large real estate groups using taxpayer-backed "free" money to make those purchases. Resulting in higher prices a year or two down the road. Reminiscent of how people lost homes in 2008 and guys like Mnuchin (our current Treasury Secretary) bought them to turn a huge profit. He was actually supposed to help people keep their homes - but figured he could make some money buy using that taxpayer money to kick them out and buy them himself. What are we getting (besides rising costs) for subsidizing large scale real estate with tax and zoning breaks, eminent domain, and now free money to buy up even more of the nation?

5) Then there's education. Lots of schools already at risk, including private universities all the way up to a Harvard or an MIT. Trump now putting those behind the 8 ball by demanding they either lose the income from foreign students or drop plans for distance learning. We know he has students' best interests in mind from the stellar job Trump University did defrauding students and the work of private school and "young earth" advocate Betsy DeVos is now doing as Secretary of Education.

What are we getting for the combined attack on education -- and turning what's left into for-profit businesses? And, yes, some of the teachers' unions are self-interested as well.

6) Then the military. "Cost-effective" never seems to be part of the equation. We're spending zillions more than the next big spender, often on obsolete but profitable (for the makers) technology, and are arguably less safe than ever from biological weapons, cyber warfare (not even a thing if Putin says so), nuclear proliferation (Pakistan, Iran, S. Korea), loss of alliances, or just the millions more who hate us or merely think we're led by a clown. Meanwhile, at a fraction of our spend, Russia has us on our heels and China is speeding its way toward its vision of dominating world's resources, international transport, industries, and commerce.

7) Even some old line manufacturing companies seem to want to get in the making money on money act (rather than making decent products). We have GM ignition switches. . Boeing killing 737 Max passengers to meet quarterly profit projections. General Electric struggling after thinking it was a Credit company that deserved a high tech software company valuation. And so on. I'll give GM some credit for recent improvement, but neither the world nor I consider them the #1 choice in autos these days. Only Otrit likely had seats booked on the next 737 Max fight out. And a guess is that of the last hundred appliances bought by PM members, there were a lot more Bosch, Miele, Samsung, LG, maybe Mitsubishi and Haier than GE in the mix. Plus the long lines of other products with unintended consequences, kept profitable by their makers by lies, misdirection, and now hidden political influence long after we learned of the hazards (asbestos, tobacco, opioids, maybe marijuana or methane and other greenhouse gas releases today). The point being that short-term management decisions at our own companies have been hollowing out our industry.

We live on a planet with finite resources. I'm not a gold bug. But there is some sense to understanding that there are limits to both population and physical resource-intensive growth. We either recognize them or end up booming and busting -- with increasing risks the bigger the busts. Pegging the total amount of currency and thus investment to a finite source such as gold is a pretty arbitrary constraint to growth. But pretending we can have infinite debt to fund infinite growth is just plain nuts. Inflation (too many freshly printed dollars chasing too little real world products and services) isn't the only limit to try growing the economy with debt.

It's not just our industrial capacity (and less of that given lack of investment) but shortages of incoming supplies that can be limits. Maybe not enough well trained people. Too battered a supporting infrastructure. Some key natural resource in short supply.

We're more frequently finding ourselves with cheap, clean and abundant water in short supply; or maybe rare earth materials in unfriendly hands. We start being unable to afford the annual costs of storms and smashed coastal infrastructure. Storms and drought and soil loss decimating agriculture. Wildfires raging each year. Maybe just more killer hornets, fewer pollinating bees affecting agriculture (along with soil loss, storms, drought). We find more people displaced, more starving, more on the dole, and a less secure and productive world. Or just more pandemics and a government and healthcare system unprepared to respond. Sad how a tiny strand of viral RNA has tanked our economy.

I'd agree we can do a bit of "printing" our own money. But unless we start investing it in ways that have a real return for customers, citizens, patients, maybe true national and environmental security -- seems to me we're not going to get away with it for all that much longer.
As said, Trump has added about a trillion in deficit before the pandemic. Year by year we add to the debt.
I give up. If you can't grasp that a federal budget deficit is a ONE YEAR figure, there is no reason for me to beat my head against a wall.

Believe whatever you want to believe. FY17 belongs to Obama. FY 18 and FY19 belong to Trump.

This is what the CBO said in 2016:
Growing Deficits Are Projected to Drive Up Debt

In CBO’s baseline projections (which incorporate the assumption that current laws will generally remain the same), growth in spending—particularly for Social Security, health care, and interest payments on federal debt—outpaces growth in revenues over the coming 10 years. The budget deficit increases modestly through 2018 but then starts to rise more sharply, reaching $1.4 trillion in 2026. As a percentage of GDP, the deficit remains at roughly 2.9 percent through 2018, starts to rise, and reaches 4.9 percent by the end of the 10-year projection period. The projected cumulative deficit between 2017 and 2026 is $9.4 trillion.

The Budget and Economic Outlook: 2016 to 2026 | Congressional Budget Office
IOW, the trajectory is STRUCTURAL.
All encouraged by Clinton where US postal has to foot the bill for the shipping cost of stuff from China.
Mad situation that you can buy and get something shipped from China, cheaper than you can ship something from your adjacent state. And it's still happening...
I have to wonder why the ten kids in Hong Kong mailing $15 usb-to-serial cables get all the press. The vast majority of goods shipped from China go in containers. About $3500 for a 40 footer, $2500 for a 20 footer. Flat racks are more, they go below decks right in front of the bridge.


The Chinese pandemic will blow up the deficit for FY20, nothing to do with Trump.
All of the credit, none of the blame, eh ? He dismantled everything that could have dealt with it. He refused to admit it even existed. He actively fucked up every activity that could have limited it. He promoted hare-brained schemes to cure it, e.g. sticking light bulbs up your ass or injecting bleach. He's currently screwing up anything and everything related to containing it. It was predicted and plausible years before, instead, he ignored it and he's now actively making the results worse.

The man is a buffoon. You wouldn't keep him on the payroll for an hour, yet you love him to death as the leader of the country.

He's a leader, all right. Leading you right down the toilet.

But he says the kind of emotional bullshit you want to hear, so it's all good.

People are weird.


Believe whatever you want to believe.
He can take lessons from you :)

Pete, you can take over the Cassandra position here ... no one will listen, even when the Greeks come pouring out of the horse. In the end, they'll burn you at the stake insted of these blind buffoon-followers.
I know you like to hide in your cave and think you know things, but have you bought decent food lately? I mean real food, fresh produce, meat and dairy.

Prices are up 10-20% across the board, in the last year.

Some are. Others are down.

"Cave? " Get real! Fresh produce is highly VA or East-Coast "local" and increasing as more of our chains reduce Kalifornickyah SSR goods gone spotty as to reliable.
Last bag of Clementines were flown in from South Africa.

Picky about genuine Vidalia Onions, but most other goods, fruits, wines and cheeses are Virginia sourced.

You might simply be in one of the US States as is badly mis-managed ,tax and other burdens.

Discretionary disposable income after taxes and all the other overheads is what counts. I'm better-off since DJT clocked-in.

Simple life, Simple budget. Easy to tell. Just back with $83 worth of Goya "Buycott" vote, no space for $100 worth.


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He promoted hare-brained schemes to cure it, e.g. sticking light bulbs up your ass or injecting bleach. He's currently screwing up anything and everything related to containing it.

Two things he didn't do. By all means, hate on him. I'll promote that. But don't make stuff up. He suggested people come up with experimental treatments - one of which was already becoming a reality from another company. No suggestion was made to stick a flashlight in someone's rectum, nor was there any suggestion to take household Lysol and throw it in an IV bag. That is your brain on CNN.

What was really nothing more than a silly thinking out loud thing he shouldn't have done (thinking he's a scientist or something), got blown up into a lie and taken way out of the context of what he actually said.
I give up. If you can't grasp that a federal budget deficit is a ONE YEAR figure, there is no reason for me to beat my head against a wall. . . . FY 18 and FY19 belong to Trump.

This is what the CBO said in 2016:
IOW, the trajectory is STRUCTURAL.

I fully grasp the difference. Trump had us at near a trillion deficit in 2019 and had baked in continuing deficit spends for trillions more -- even before the pandemic. Thus poising us to have us much national debt as back after WWII. With pretty much nothing to show for his recent spend (or the repatriated corporate profits used mostly for stock buybacks) except enriching various too-big-to-fail (or big-enough-to-buy-politicians) incumbents.

He's not the whole story in the 70 years since WWII, or the increasing "financialization" gaining traction decades ago. Just taking us further and further in the wrong direction over the past three and a half. If it makes you happy the topic isn't just DJT, I wasn't a fan of all those "shovel ready" projects back in 2009 that looked to turn out to be boondoggles. Those various bridges to nowhere, both really and metaphorically. Or the mistaken notions in previous administrations that the financial sector no longer needed any meaningful regulation, because it couldn't possibly facilitate something like a Great Recession and then expect to be bailed out at taxpayer expense.

Shame we're in short supply of the real thing (high ROI infrastructure projects) this time around, as well. Seems, instead, we'll just have to give some trillions to the usual banksters to figure out how much they can skim off before passing it on.

There are plenty of good infrastructure candidates - perhaps some of them in the Biden proposal. It's a shame, IMO, we haven't done a better job of actually preparing to invest in infrastructure. Trump promised to be the "infrastructure President." Given that we pretty much haven't built or repaired any - the next guy can't do any worse. Given the hole we're in (once again), it won't be easy. But, still possible for the still-richest country in the world.

I'd want to see money put into our communications infrastructure (speed, cost, robustness) and electric grid. Real needs. Lots of jobs. Continuing ROI for years to come. Likely some low cost, high return, healthcare infrastructure as well. Maybe with a quid pro quo of stop raping US citizens with near 2x costs and mediocre results.

Yes, and do you have any questions?

The UV light under the skin was already going through trials. So yet another mistake on your part.

Regarding disinfectant, all he said was "you look at the disinfectant and it knocks it out in like a minute....maybe we can do something like that by injection", etc. They have disinfectants of sorts they already use that are injectable.

Again, this is your brain on CNN.

Hope that helps, but not holding my breath, it never seems to with you. It's like you're allergic to facts, data/statistics, or just general reality.
“Supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light,” Mr. Trump said. “And I think you said that hasn’t been checked, but we’re going to test it?” “And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside the body, either through the skin or some other way.”

Apparently reassured that the tests he was proposing would take place, Trump then theorized about the possible medical benefits of disinfectants in the fight against the virus.

“And then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute — one minute — and is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside, or almost a cleaning?” he asked. “Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it would be interesting to check that.”

The above is verbatim quotes of what the stupid bastard said. When some pathetic drooling goon makes statements like these, its totally reasonable to assume he meant sticking a light bulb up your ass might be one of those "some other ways". And, as far as the disinfectants are concerned, injection would imply intravenous introduction. So, what difference would it make if its done via an IV bag, or pushed with a syringe?

When the president of the united states makes historically stupid statements, he and his worshipers get to live with the resulting comments, none of which are even remotely as idiotic as the statement itself.
Apparently reassured that the tests he was proposing would take place, Trump then theorized about the possible medical benefits of disinfectants in the fight against the virus.

The above is verbatim quotes of what the stupid bastard said. When some pathetic drooling goon makes statements like these, its totally reasonable to assume he meant sticking a light bulb up your ass might be one of those "some other ways". And, as far as the disinfectants are concerned, injection would imply intravenous introduction. So, what difference would it make if its done via an IV bag, or pushed with a syringe?

When the president of the united states makes historically stupid statements, he and his worshipers get to live with the resulting comments, none of which are even remotely as idiotic as the statement itself.

UV light reality: An Experimental Ultraviolet Light Treatment for Covid-19 Takes Political Heat - WSJ

Disinfectant reality: What Goes Into a Vaccine? | PublicHealth.org

Nor am I a "worshipper". I disagree with him on plenty of stuff and think he does, in fact, says tons of dumb stuff. This was also dumb, but it wasn't that level dumb. Plenty of stupid stuff he can say like "they took the airports" - no need to make stuff up. Just makes you all look loony and unhinged. I also probably, at this point, am not going to vote for him, but not entirely sure yet. I'm pondering just sitting the election out, or maybe, just maybe, voting for Biden. Very complicated reasoning that is irrelevant. Either way, not a "worshipper".

TDS is rampant on this forum. You all act like nobody can be in the middle, and if you don't like one side, you must condemn everything they say or do. That's dumb
...But he says the kind of emotional bullshit you want to hear, so it's all good.
You aren't fooling anyone.

The only blame lies with China, where the virus was created and the pandemic originated. Your only interest is blaming the leaders of every other country, depending on who you are trolling at the time.

Some untold number will die from this virus, and many more from the lack of normal medical care they would have received.

Play your little flame games, it doesn't matter a bit to me.

The Case Is Building That COVID-19 Had a Lab Origin
UV light reality: An Experimental Ultraviolet Light Treatment for Covid-19 Takes Political Heat - WSJ

Disinfectant reality: What Goes Into a Vaccine? | PublicHealth.org

Nor am I a "worshipper". I disagree with him on plenty of stuff and think he does, in fact, says tons of dumb stuff. This was also dumb, but it wasn't that level dumb. Plenty of stupid stuff he can say like "they took the airports" - no need to make stuff up. Just makes you all look loony and unhinged. I also probably, at this point, am not going to vote for him, but not entirely sure yet. I'm pondering just sitting the election out, or maybe, just maybe, voting for Biden. Very complicated reasoning that is irrelevant. Either way, not a "worshipper".

TDS is rampant on this forum. You all act like nobody can be in the middle, and if you don't like one side, you must condemn everything they say or do. That's dumb

Your second link says nothing whatsoever about disinfectants in vaccines.

The first is about the Healight crap. This is being pushed by some opportunistic shitbags operating as Aytu Bioscience. Their previous claim to fame is some sort of testosterone nasal spray which no doubt puts them at the forefront of virus research. Aytu claimed to have a Covid test as well, which proved to give inaccurate results. Further investigation showed they were importing this test from China and it was a test that China's equivalent of the FDA refused to approve and eventually banned from export. Typical assholes who will do anything they can think of to pump their stock price.

A more reliable opinion on the efficacy of covid treatment with UV.......

Medical experts were quick to caution against the use of disinfectant injections or UV light as a potential treatment for COVID-19.

Among the experts were the International Ultraviolet Association and RadTech North America, two industry groups made up of equipment vendors, scientists, engineers and medical professionals who deal with ultraviolet light.

“We would like to inform the public that there are no protocols to advise or permit the safe use of UV light directly on the human body at the wavelengths and exposures proven to efficiently kill viruses such as SARS-CoV-2,” a joint news release from the groups said.

Dr. Len Lichtenfeld, deputy chief medical officer for the American Cancer Society, said in a video published April 24 that UV radiation is dangerous and should be taken seriously.

"There is no evidence whatsoever that ultraviolet radiation ... has any impact in any way on preventing or treating COVID-19," he said. "And we have to understand that we rely on evidence. There is no evidence."

I find the TDS comment rather ironic. Its used regularly by ignorant fucks here and elsewhere who suck up Trump's shit and blow it out as fact. Then, when anyone rips their ass with facts that prove they're just repeating his lies, they claim TDS. In reality, it is TDS, but the acronym more accurately translates to Trump Dick Sucking.
Your second link says nothing whatsoever about disinfectants in vaccines.

Let me help you along since you have such an adamant opinion about something you don't even understand basics about.

From that link:

"Why is it used? Formaldehyde has been used for decades in vaccines to inactivate viruses and detoxify bacterial toxins, ensuring they don't result in sickness when injected."

Now let's hop on over to a dictionary and see what the definition of disinfectant is.

a chemical liquid that destroys bacteria

Merriam-Webster's entry:
an agent that frees from infection

anything that disinfects; means for destroying harmful bacteria, viruses, etc.
Webster's New World College Dictionary, Fifth Edition Copyright © 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

Thus, you have an injected disinfectant. This is just one. There are others.

The fact is what was said is "do something like that" pretty much broadens the scope to anything that would be liquid or breathable gas or a consumable. The context is simply something that inhibits the virus in some way.

This picking apart is getting really tiring. If you people cared 20% as much about the issues as much as rhetoric, we'd probably have a lot more going on policy-wise than just focusing on Trump's 3rd grade vocabulary or Biden's inability to complete a sentence without showing signs of age. Really I blame the media, but you all also eat it right up, so....

The first is about the Healight crap. This is being pushed by some opportunistic shitbags operating as Aytu Bioscience. Their previous claim to fame is some sort of testosterone nasal spray which no doubt puts them at the forefront of virus research. Aytu claimed to have a Covid test as well, which proved to give inaccurate results. Further investigation showed they were importing this test from China and it was a test that China's equivalent of the FDA refused to approve and eventually banned from export. Typical assholes who will do anything they can think of to pump their stock price.

blah blah blah. So in essence, you have nothing to dispute that this was something going on. UV lights are FDA approved already to treat some skin diseases, so it's not even a real stretch. You got nothing there, either.

I find the TDS comment rather ironic. Its used regularly by ignorant fucks here and elsewhere who suck up Trump's shit and blow it out as fact. Then, when anyone rips their ass with facts that prove they're just repeating his lies, they claim TDS. In reality, it is TDS, but the acronym more accurately translates to Trump Dick Sucking.

Seeing as how you just got a second hole fabricated by yours truly, you need to take a look in the mirror to see which person you're referring to there in bold.

Again, what he said was dumb, but he never suggested injecting household Lysol, nor is the idea of a light inside the body far off base. Suck it up, be an adult, own it, and move on. Don't make stuff up then complain about him making stuff up. Better idea is to quit trusting all the critics without verifying it yourself first


"There is no evidence whatsoever that ultraviolet radiation ... has any impact in any way on preventing or treating COVID-19," he said. "And we have to understand that we rely on evidence. There is no evidence."

This is demonstrably false and goes to show you just how far people are willing to take politics into reality. It's a shame. Absolutely pitiful.

NIOSHTIC-2 Publications Search - 20034387 - Ultraviolet germicidal irradiation - current best practices.

From the CDC:

"Ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI) is the use of ultraviolet (UV) energy (electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength shorter than that of visible light) to kill or inactivate viral, bacterial, and fungal species. The UV spectrum is commonly divided into UVA (wavelengths of 400 nm to 315 nm), UVB (315 nm to 280 nm), and UVC (280 nm to 200 nm). The entire UV spectrum can kill or inactivate many microorganisms, but UVC energy provides the most germicidal effect, with 265 nm being the optimum wavelength."

And going back once again to UV light in the body, if you don't like that company above, then there are others. How about researchers at a hospital in LA?
UV light, respiratory catheter for COVID-19 from Cedars-Sinai seeking emergency use | 2020-04-28 | BioWorld

Or you could go off down a rabbit hole here - apparently applying UV to blood was popular before antibiotics came around. Ultraviolet blood irradiation: Is it time to remember “the cure that time forgot”?

At best, you could say it hasn't been settled yet. They do know, for a fact, that light does kill it on surfaces. Now whether that would work in some fashion in the body, idk. But again, stop getting your sources from the media - they pick and choose "experts" to give what they want to be read. This is like the "experts" that all signed that open letter saying they saw no problem with BLM protests and spreading coronavirus, but said the same didn't go for anti-lockdown protests. These people are idiots.

Do I think Trump was right to suggest any of this and do a brainstorming session or whatever during a press conference? No.

Do I think he's mishandled the coronavirus situation? Yes. Although I'd say up until reopening, the mishandling was mostly just not wearing a mask himself and downplaying it. In terms of actual policy, having supplies, etc, I don't think it was that bad.

Do I think he's smart? Not really. But I think sometimes he has common sense that apparently a lot of people have lost. Things like immigration, trade, or *at times* even foreign policy.

Wanna call me a Trump lover? Ok. Whatever. You make me actually want to vote for him just out of spite.

I find the TDS comment rather ironic. Its used regularly by ignorant fucks here and elsewhere who suck up Trump's shit and blow it out as fact. Then, when anyone rips their ass with facts that prove they're just repeating his lies, they claim TDS. In reality, it is TDS, but the acronym more accurately translates to Trump Dick Sucking.

Now that you've gotten that out of your system, why not extoll us with why 'we the people' should vote for Joe Biden and his ideals RE manufacturing? It's the thread title in question, but no one seems to be answering it.

As expected, this is nothing more than another Trump hate thread.

Some could say '0bama nut hugger', but I won't use that phrase. It's inaccurate, as Michelle carries those.
. so US Postal picks up the tab (and I bet that's a lot of money PA) was just an underlining point.

Well no. It is as close as BOTH sides can MAKE it to ZERO money at all needing to change hands, either direction.

Might not have thought about it, but there are a LOT of folks sending stuff INTO China by post as well. Both sides share the book. Can't HIDE the records. No transaction as doesn't cross BOTH party's systems. Doesn't all STOP at first port of entry, ordinarily. "Internal" delivery costs are very different, and those are part of the postage, too.

Rates are rebalanced periodically so both sides have near-zero owed to each other.
Not just US <=> China. All Government postal correspondents. On-planet.

Cheap sea-freight is another matter altogether. So is courier air.

For all practical purposes, USA has no international merchant fleet. Our choice. No one else.

China surely DOES have. Nor are they alone. See "Maersk" ... and still "not-only".
300mill PA?
Which is obviousness chump change nowadays as we all hear speak of billions and trillions.
Trump Fights to Fix Shipping Rates That Favor China | RealClearPolitics

Political theatre. Loss is less than one dollar a YEAR, averaged per each US Citizen. Who benefits? Same folks. Joe Average has a "problem wit dat' one DOLLAH?"

Don't buy from China directly. Or even at all. How hard was THAT?

Meanwhile, towards saner rates?

Postage stamps ain't classified nuke missiles hiding in some tunnel.

How TF hard can it be to compare fees when anybody can buy a stamp and know the rates are whatever they are, in-country or overseas?

The grumbling is over whether underlying COSTS are honest. But it doesn't MATTER to an Accountant. Delivery is effected. The fee is what was charged. Each side.

Only a politician looks to make an issue over whether the other guy operates more efficiently, has lower costs, and earns a crust. Or with higher costs, and is subsidizing.

Want to see China suffer higher rates? Not hard. Raise OUR ones. OUR OWN FAULT not that of China, for not so doing ages ago. China got special status with the friggin' UN? Fuck the UN. Raise the rates to proper parity.

Hereafter, postal rates can be analyzed, sanely fixed on a regular basis. As they are. most situations. "Sanely" does not mean perfectly. Accounting and auditing casts can grow too high for the huge count of small transactions.

Stupid is harder to fix. "As usual", DJT didn't create this clustr-f**k. He inherited it. From the stupid.

I did say "harder to fix?"

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