Hi All,
Having wire breakage with spark energy set to anything above 2. Wire breaks after the first few sparks regardless of settings and the sparking doesn't sound normal. I measured the clamp voltage when it was cutting at spark energy 2 and it was hovering around 62V which seems low. Saw a similar thread from a guy on this forum with an HS-350 but never saw a resolution. Hoping someone can offer a few clues or experience. Thank you.
Having wire breakage with spark energy set to anything above 2. Wire breaks after the first few sparks regardless of settings and the sparking doesn't sound normal. I measured the clamp voltage when it was cutting at spark energy 2 and it was hovering around 62V which seems low. Saw a similar thread from a guy on this forum with an HS-350 but never saw a resolution. Hoping someone can offer a few clues or experience. Thank you.