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Comfortable Quality and very Protective Safety Glasses


May 13, 2007
Central Texas
I always order my own safety glasses past the one pair a shop will customarily buy for a employee. They will continue to buy them actually yet the ones that are usually purchased are not the level of comfort and protection I wish for my eyes. As a Safety man where I work I will be sure to get Safety glasses for everyone and often will replace scratched and broken ones. What we have is Osha approved and so they are fine. I take responsibility since I want a 2.5 diopter reader which does not scratch easily and will have antifog features. I was wondering if others here are picky like I am and if so what brand have you found to be the best quality , most protection, and best comfort to use. The one I have used for years is the Nuvo. I also am trying these now.... Uvex Seismic Sealed Eyewear With Reading Magnifiers 2.5 Diopter Safety Glasses With Black -3M Nuvo Reader Protective Eyewear, 11436-00000-20 Clear Lens, Gray Frame, +2.5 Diopter
As a Safety Man I know that the more stylish and comfortable safety glasses are the more that they are enjoyed and worn and my company has been very good when people have these kinds of requests. I do not take advantage of it because I have always done this myself and old habits for Old dogs like me are hard to break.
I use the Nuvo Readers with a 1.5 magnification and love em enough not to really want to try anything else. I am however interested to see if you find something better.
For the many years I worked, my employer provided me with free eye exams and American Optical prescription safety glasses every year. Once I retired, I had to buy my own, but do have insurance coverage that pays some of the cost, so I kept on wearing prescription safety glasses all the time. I never liked the cheap plastic things that you could try to wear on top of regular glasses. Had to wear them over my safety glasses in a few plant visits where they required side shields.

But last year I had cataract surgery and suddenly had near perfect distant vision, so my old prescription glasses were all obsolete. I had been wearing trifocals for years and still need magnification for reading and close work. As a quick fix to cover me until I could get a new prescription, I bought three pair of DeWalt bifocal safety glasses in three different powers. I found the +3.0 suited best, but I still have to resort to a microscope or other magnifier for fine detail. Before the surgery, I just took off my glasses when I needed to see finer detail. Can't do that anymore, but I am nevertheless happy with the rebuild job on my eyes.

The Dewalt product is comfortable and the bifocal works fine. They have good side protection with wraparound lenses. They are good shop glasses. But they look really weird, so I did not like wearing them in "polite society," like reading the menu in a restaurant.



While on the topic of safety glasses, I can never find a pair that fits, the bridge of my nose is higher/wider than everyone else I guess. The only glasses I can ever get to sit somewhat centred near my eyes have the little tabs for your nose on arms, and I have the bend them as far as they go to get them to fit.

Does anyone here know of a manufacturer of safety glasses that has an option or style that isn't so generic? Preferably very good full coverage. Scratch resistant, fog resist, etc...
