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Haas VF2SS/SURFCAM post processor?

Neon Theorist

Apr 22, 2019
Any of you more enlightened folk see any issues with this Mpost?
Or am I gtg?

name HAAS X

% 00
/ 00
O 4
N 4
G 2
g >2 G
X ->3.>4
Y ->3.>4
Z ->3.>4
I ->3.>4
J ->3.>4
K ->3.>4
Q ->3.>4
R ->3.>4
P >40
F >3.1
H >2
D >2
T >2
M >2
S >4

SbackDoor SupressHeader

ModalLetters X Y Z F # List of letters that are modal

ModalGs 0 1 2 3 73 74 76 80 81 82 83 84 85 # List of g codes that are modal

Sequence#s N 0 1 1 # Char, freq, incr & start
First#? N # Y or N 'Output 1st sequence no.
Last#? N # Y or N 'Output last sequence no.

HCode X # X or X U 'Horizontal char.
VCode Y # Y or Y V 'Vertical char.
Dcode Z # Depth char.
FeedCode F # Feed rate char.

Comment ( ) # Begin End comment char.

Spindle 3 4 5 # Cw, ccw & stop m codes
Coolant 8 9 7 61 62 63 64 # Flood, Off, Mist and Thru Spindle M codes
DComp 41 42 40 # Left, Right & Cancel m codes
LComp 43 49 # On & Off codes

Feed G01 # Linear move
Rapid G00 # Rapid positioning word
ArcPlane G 17 18 19 # G17, G18, G17 Arc Plane selection
ReturnPlane 98 99 # G98 G99 Return Plane selection
Cw G2 # Circular move clockwise
Ccw G3 # Circular move counter clockwise

Inc/Abs G 91 90 # Inc & Abs char. & values

CtrCode I J K # I J or R or I J K L
Helical? Y

Spaces? Y # Y or N 'Spaces between words

Incremental? N # Y or N 'Inc or abs output
CtrIncremental? Y # Y or N 'Inc or abs I & J
ByQuadrants? N # Y or N 'Break arcs at quadrants

UppercaseComments? Y # Y or N 'Require uppercase comments

Drill # Drilling canned/manual cycle
G81 G[RetPlane] X[H] Y[V] Z[D] R[Vclear] F[FRate]
end cancel

G82 G[RetPlane] X[H] Y[V] Z[D] R[Vclear] F[FRate] P[Dwell]
end cancel

Peck # Pecking canned/manual cycle
G83 G[RetPlane] X[H] Y[V] Z[D] Q[VBite] R[Vclear] F[FRate]
end cancel

Tap # Tapping canned/manual cycle
G84 G[RetPlane] X[H] Y[V] Z[D] R[Vclear] F[Frate] Q[VBite]
end cancel

LTap # Left handed tapping cycle
G74 G[RetPlane] X[H] Y[V] Z[D] R[Vclear] F[FRate]
end cancel

Ream # Reaming canned/manual cycle
G85 G[RetPlane] X[H] Y[V] Z[D] R[Vclear] F[FRate]
end cancel

Bore # Boring canned/manual cycle
G86 G[RetPlane] X[H] Y[V] Z[D] R[Vclear] F[FRate]
end cancel

Back # Back boring canned/manual cycle
G87 G[RetPlane] X[H] Y[V] Z[D] R[Vclear] F[FRate]
end cancel

Cancel # Cancel a canned/manual cycle

StartCode # Start of the program
G17 G40 G80 G90

1stToolChange # First tool change
T[Tool] M6
M[Direct] S[Speed]
G0 G90 G[54] X[H] Y[V]
G43 Z[D] H[Lcomp] M[Cool]

Infeed # Enable cutter comp
G[Side] X[H] Y[V] D[DComp] F[FRate]

Outfeed # Disable cutter comp
G1 G40 X[H] Y[V]

ToolChange # Secondary tool changes
G0 G49 Z0 M9
T[Tool] M6
G0 G90 G[54] X[H] Y[V] S[Speed] M[Direct]
G43 Z[D] H[Lcomp] M[Cool]

Upon [Speed] # Output spindle speed change
M[Direct] S[Speed]

EndCode # End of the program
G28 g91 Z0
It'll probably be fine for basic stuff. If you use TSC or air blast, etc. you'll have to modify things so it uses the proper coolant off-code for those.

and there's no rapidcode section? Without it'll probably just go point to point. Some of the generic posts should have something in there if you want a little more peace of mind, like if your next Z is higher, it'll move up first, then XY, and if next Z is lower, it'll move XY first, then Z, etc. Just preference I guess.

If you use positive tool length offsets you'll want to change G0 G49 Z0 M9 in your toolchange sequence.. otherwise you'll have a bad day. Or use G0 G90 G49 G53 Z0
It'll probably be fine for basic stuff. If you use TSC or air blast, etc. you'll have to modify things so it uses the proper coolant off-code for those.

and there's no rapidcode section? Without it'll probably just go point to point. Some of the generic posts should have something in there if you want a little more peace of mind, like if your next Z is higher, it'll move up first, then XY, and if next Z is lower, it'll move XY first, then Z, etc. Just preference I guess.

If you use positive tool length offsets you'll want to change G0 G49 Z0 M9 in your toolchange sequence.. otherwise you'll have a bad day. Or use G0 G90 G49 G53 Z0
Thanks for the feedback friend. All my length offsets are minus, so no worries there I hope.
'Rapidcode" intrigues me. What would that section look like?
Thanks for the feedback friend. All my length offsets are minus, so no worries there I hope.
'Rapidcode" intrigues me. What would that section look like?
Is this it?
I'm 50% certain I didn't have this in my post on my cooked computer.

"RapidCode #(Include 'Z safety' logic)

IF [D] < [LastD] #Going down?
G0 X[H] Y[V] #XY first,
Z[D] #then Z.

IF [D] > [LastD] #Going up?
G0 Z[D] # Z first,
X[H] Y[V] # then XY.
