Such a sensitive lot. I hope you didn't run out of tissues.
I don't know why you all care so much about who's advice I take and who's I don't. I am not knocking anyone for offering advice. Doesn't mean I have to follow it. Why on earth you are knocking ME for not immediately running out to my shop, and put in play whatever was added to this thread? Sheesh.
I posted a link to a video. And a photo of what I discovered. I received unsolicited advice. Which I have no issue with. But on which I have taken no action. Because I want to get another opinion. From another expert. That can see it up close. Not in a picture. But in his hands. Why do you give a rats patootie?
I am as random and as un-expert as they get.
Why else would I come here to glean nibbles of expertise from all you sages?
Some of you need to lighten up, Francis. (That's a partial quote from the movie "Stripes" for all the uninitiated.)