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Neat OSG thread mill/drill(?)

  • Thread starter Thread starter david n
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david n

Apr 13, 2007
Pillager, MN
Vid is a year old, but first I've seen of it................thought was kinda cool................I don't have an app for it though..................

I'd like to see a time comparison of 50 holes instead of 1. If you don't change the tool each time I bet it's faster with two tools. To the best of my ability to click pause, the drill is out of the part on it's way to the tool change at 1:28, tap is in position at 3:14 and done at 4:30. 1:86 of waste.
Take that out and it becomes 2.44, which is significantly faster than their tool.
I have seen these before. I believe the selling point is not because they are faster, it is because they can be used to threadmill in 55-60 Rockwell where drilling is a chore.
Interesting. I'm going to look into those closer. When the brainiacs in Engineering here can't fit enough threads in a blind hole, they just delete the drill point from the model and run the threads all the way to the bottom. I've had to get in the business of stocking a lot of thread mills and flat bottom drills. I've noticed that flat bottom drills don't like starting their own hole, so I wind up hitting it with 3 different tools to get a threaded hole.
I have seen these before. I believe the selling point is not because they are faster, it is because they can be used to threadmill in 55-60 Rockwell where drilling is a chore.

OSG rep actually stopped by our shop just this past week and flipped open the catalog to show us these. That's exactly the selling point, and my first wonder was in that hardness how many holes could you possibly complete with one tool?

They've got 'em for aluminum though, also. I figured that would be worth investigating.
This is not original with OSG.

I know Vargus(Vardex) and Mitsubishi have had these out for a while. There may be others also.

I have used this style tool a few times. It comes in handy, but it is not going to replace drill/tap in all situations like the video seems to be insinuating.
Anyone find these faster than drill / tap in aluminum? I was told the harveytool version of this hybrid tool was not the way to go. This OSG design looks much nicer.
