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  • Hi Clive,
    I'd be very happy if you send me the circuit diagram for a quinton crane BP power feed. Spent the last few weeks to fix it but it still doesnt work. Even i already replaced most of the components.
    Thank you very much, my email: [email protected]
    Hi Clive,
    I want for my two power feeds on my BP 2 for the Y and the X axis ordering 4 new microswitch. But i am blown away for the price they asking at the most shops. I reed you using a normal priced switch V3 where do ordering them? Is it a issuy that they have to be sealed? I am trying to make the PF working just i am cleaning the hole thing aspecaly the y drive that is a very onnown PF on this forum. It is one with a spring oiler insite. On the old manual you can download from BLUESHIPSMACHINIST there is a drawing of the oiling parts, the oilspring has to be 10" long. Have you seen sutch a PF.?
    Regards from the Netherlands
    I just came across your post about South Bend gibs. I have 2 nine inch South Bends and both need gibs but I haven't a clue as how to do it properly. I would appreciate a copy of the pdf you mentioned. My email is <[email protected]>
    Thanks a lot for the info sir.. I guess it's got to be the original one to work .. Merry Xmas and thanks again..

    I was very interested in your post regarding making gib strips. I recently replaced my standard SB 9A cross slide with a T slotted cross slide which requires a much longer gib. As this was second hand off a stand at an exhibition, it did not have the gib strip with it. Also, it is Boxford (the UK clone of SB) as here in the UK SB parts are simply not usually available.

    Do you have further info about making a gib - you mentioned a pdf. I would be grateful for any info you can send me.


    Tony Hills
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