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  • Hello,

    I've been an Okuma Lathe Programmer/Operator for over 25 years. I've recently been put on a Okuma Captain 370m. this is a single axis live tooling machine. All new to me, we have other machines with IGF but my employer refuses to let us program with it. Okuma manuals aren't very helpful, and I noticed that you have a pc version of admac. Does this do live tooling too? I don't have a problem with the drilling cycles its just the coordinate conversion that I', struggling with. What would be the chances of getting a copy of the admac? I could pay a little but not much.

    Thank You for your time no matter what you decide.

    Bill Malett
    I am considering adding a compressor setup from Kaeser to my shop. I received a quote from my local distributor for a system pretty much identical to yours. They also suggested running two compressors wit integrated dryers. The SX5T models. It makes sense to me to have redundant compressors and dryers. Also, if I ever have to add more capacity in terms of air I can just pull out one of the units and pop in a larger model. From what they mentioned your style system is the absolute best for air quality but the system I'm considering is not very far behind. It will have a receiver tank after the compressors with an auto drain on it as well. I know you did your homework on compressors systems and I've tried to do the same. I just want to get an opinion from another shop owner and see if I'm missing anything here. So, what say you?
    Troy Kordenbrock
    TK Machining Specialties
    2677 Morgan Ln.
    Hamilton, OH 45013
    [email protected]
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