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  • please, will you share the polygon turning macro ? thank you
    I will put it out there once I start my macro dump thread here. I don't have the file on my phone to send it here at the moment.
    k ... at least, what code is it based on ? face threading ?
    chip breaking is an aplication of harmonics; such functions are there to change ( fixed ratio, continous, adaptive ) the classical linearity behaviour of the control, like constant rpm/feed/syncronicity

    the difference between using them as a machine option, or macro, is the reaction time that you can reach, as those are frequency based functions :)
    hy :) i just saw your question on breaking chips macro

    i have done such things for okuma machines, from idea to implementation, threading, roughing, cutting, and extent is pretty good

    any doubts you have, we can discuss / kindly :)
    I am making currently a macro that does a programmable amount of "bumps" in every other pass and every other pass it does a straight cut. As well as requires as little as 3 inputs, (diameter, length and pitch) if you want to program quickly but optionally up to at least 9 inputs if you want more control of the cut.
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