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  • Hello Stefan,

    I am currently looking to purchase and install an APB-12MRDL exactly how you specified in your post using macro programs with pulses and dwells to control output. What I need help with is how to setup the parameters on the PLC so everything works exactly how you were setting them up with probing.
    Let me know if you have any documentation on the setting up of the PLC.

    Thank you
    Hello! I have a renishaw probe that was included with my new to me 02’ mini mill but the previous owner said they’ve never used it. Curious if you know how I can check if it’s ready to go. I couldn’t find the VQC it says template not found.
    [email protected]
    do you sell a probe kit for a 2000 year haas?
    I've been reading your posts and appreciate all the information you have shared.

    i am unsure if i can just buy any work probe/receiver pair and plug it in or if the process is more involved, if you sold the components i would rather buy them through you and support someone who is passing on a wealth of knowledge.
    I am not selling probing hardware.
    Cogito Ergo Sum
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