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  • Bill,
    I just want to thank you for the help with the face mill program. I tried the program I came up with first and it turned into a mess. So I deleted it and put in your code with the while do loop and it works great.
    Using CAD CAM ? Try COMPUTER AIDED SETUP Software + DTI Probe Method.To know more visit, Computer Aided Setup
    Anglew, Thank you for the posts reg. C axis milling with live tool. Rich having this problem sounds too familiar to ours but thanks to you it's all well comprehended now. You are a true PM Forumer and a great sport. Thank you from Clean Cut Machining Inc. here in Burbank, CA. USA. Albert Fayroyan.
    We are having the same problem (memory) with my OT controller. We are trying to load a program and there is not enough memory. I had all the Fanuc boards replaced/rebuilt a few years ago and only used iut opnce afterwards, but never to mill and now we started it and can't get it to hold the whole program. Before the Fanuc crashed and burned we had all options turned ON. Is there a way to know if it has essentially been downgraded at rebuild? How do we go about restoring the previous status?

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