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CIMCO and Macro Program Testing. How to input variable values?


Apr 5, 2018
Hey all, Im just writing my first macro program and trying to test it on Cimco Editor v5.

I was wondering where in the heck In cimco am I to input the variable values. I have been searching through to find both the area to input values and a way to see how to variable values are affected by the macro program itself.
Anyone know?

I refuse to answer this question. It is can of worms, a rabbit hole, a time bomb or whatever metaphor you want to attach.

Problem is there is not ONE clear and concise answer. So I'll let Bill, Sinha, Tony or one of the real experts address it.

Hmm, I dont understand but if you know about it, I believe you more than I know I know. What's so wormy, rabbity and bomby about it? Is Cimco hard to use?

To be clear, I am not (yet) asking for help with the macro syntax or program itself. Just on how to software knows what I want to set my variable values at.
I don’t think cimco will do that, At least the version I have that came with Mastercam. I think ncplot will do it and you can download trial.
I didn't think that Cimco V5 had the ability to "run" and check results of a Fanuc type macro. Does it? IIRC they had their own "macro" capability that one could use if needing to modify CAM posted programs or creating hand written programs, but it was not the same as Fanuc macro.
I didn't think that Cimco V5 had the ability to "run" and check results of a Fanuc type macro. Does it? IIRC they had their own "macro" capability that one could use if needing to modify CAM posted programs or creating hand written programs, but it was not the same as Fanuc macro.

Yes, that's probably why I have been having a hard time finding where to input data. I came across a you tube video of someone running a macro program i thought with Cimco and was hoping I was just missing some info. Darn.
Well if anyone knows any about Cimco and macros it would be nice to hear from you. And if Cimco cannot process user defined macros, a suggestion on another software would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.


PS Thanks BAHNL, i'll check it out.
Put your calling program and macro program in the same file/window. But you need the full version
.... if Cimco cannot process user defined macros, a suggestion on another software would be appreciated.

I've looked a NCPlot and if I was doing many macros, That's where I think I would start. I have always just written them offline and then test run and debug on a machine. If you do not have machine time available then something like this should help.
I've looked a NCPlot and if I was doing many macros, That's where I think I would start. I have always just written them offline and then test run and debug on a machine. If you do not have machine time available then something like this should help.

Just dowloaded the NCPlot trial and it works like a charm.

If anyone is looking to write macros away from machine and test, NCplot is kick ass.
Have you tried it on the Machine yet? :stirthepot:

:confused: It has to work on the machine too?! Damn.

Not yet.

The machine I run doesnt support macros and I have to maybe "sneak" in on a Saturday to try it on the lathe that does.
That operator doesnt like trying anything new.
