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Gen Z in the workplace Article

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"The Titan's that built America", mini series was Awesome!
"Freedoms Forge" deals with WW2 production but gives really good character back round on the big names.
Anyway----If you think about it, back then, after around 10 years of a depression anyone who could snag a job was not going to do anything to lose it---there was virtually know security net at that time other then some soup kitchens and such---starvation and no place to live was very real.
Today---In a good way it's different as there is a pretty good security net out there. Of course some fall through the cracks and others have a rough time of it, but for the most part many younger people can afford to be really picky about holding down a job.
It's likely those of us who have gone before the Gen Z group are a bit responsible for what is good---or what is bad about their work habits.
I had a 400 credit score mouth breather say, he thought that people that didn't have kids, shouldn't have to pay for schools. WOW🤯

my immediate thought was, yeah I think you should have to pass an IQ test to vote too. :D
If the majority are idiots, and the system is majority rules then......:scratchchin:
Have you been attending my local town meetings? This is the crap my hometown where I live is dealing with right now. Nobody wants to pay for anything they don’t use. Problem is I live in a town where most everyone has no culture and if barely leaves their house. If we ran on that kind of funding method the town wouldn’t have anything at all.
Hoover Dam >>> Henry Kaiser >>> Six companies.
After the Dam came WW2 and Henry showed them a new way to build ships, a steel mill, and run a health care system. (yeah I know..some of the ships broke in half)

My G-dad's boat broke in half when they got T-boned in zig/zag convoy.
They drug it into Burmuda where they offloaded.


I am Ox and I approve this here post!
What you don't like having highways, bridges, ....that shit's not free.
We can switch to communism if yah like then it seems free at least.
But that stuff has dwindled down to only 2 countries cause it doesn't work, even Cheena is a communist/capitalist hybrid.
I had a 400 credit score mouth breather say, he thought that people that didn't have kids, shouldn't have to pay for schools. WOW🤯

my immediate thought was, yeah I think you should have to pass an IQ test to vote too. :D
If the majority are idiots, and the system is majority rules then......:scratchchin:
I don't think was referencing Communism, but rather is opposed to our current socialist system. Why you would advocate for socialism as you do, is beyond me.

I have a credit score of 880 (which means nothing) and an IQ of 140 (which means nothing) but I don't believe that you should have to pay for services you will never or cannot use, nor those that are morally reprehensible. There are worthwhile government services, both federal, state, and local. However, based on your responses, it would serve little purpose to explain the idiocy of your ideology of, "there always has been and always will be". This is patently wrong, and is a blatantly stupid take.
I don't think was referencing Communism, but rather is opposed to our current socialist system. Why you would advocate for socialism as you do, is beyond me.

I have a credit score of 880 (which means nothing) and an IQ of 140 (which means nothing) but I don't believe that you should have to pay for services you will never or cannot use, nor those that are morally reprehensible. There are worthwhile government services, both federal, state, and local. However, based on your responses, it would serve little purpose to explain the idiocy of your ideology of, "there always has been and always will be". This is patently wrong, and is a blatantly stupid take.
Current socialist system:confused:

"As I do" ? :ROFLMAO:

I don't advocate socialism, I am just screwing around, I don't advocate anything.
You probably hate me worse, I don't give a shit about any political shit, couldn't careless.

I even carry my firearm, but have the attitude if they wanna come get'um, come get'um, aient gonna hurt my feel bad's. :D
Current socialist system:confused:

"As I do" ? :ROFLMAO:

I don't advocate socialism, I am just screwing around, I don't advocate anything.
You probably hate me worse, I don't give a shit about any political shit, couldn't careless.

I even carry my firearm, but have the attitude if they wanna come get'um, come get'um, aient gonna hurt my feel bad's. :D
I don’t hate you, there are very few people that I hate. I find your posts disingenuous and your lack of discernment concerning. Your contradictions are disturbing.

You should care about politics. I wish I could not care. Unfortunately politics are pervasive in ever part of our lives. It should not be. Your life shouldn’t change based on what idiot is elected.
I find your posts disingenuous and your lack of discernment concerning. Your contradictions are disturbing.
Ok, What ever floats your boat.
I'm sure you'll live.

Contradictions are possible, my mind runs very fast, and I'm very indecisive, that'll cause it!
You should care about politics.
Different strokes, maybe you should care less.
I wish I could not care. Unfortunately politics are pervasive in ever part of our lives. It should not be.
They sure are, letting them effect your happiness, that's personal.
Your life shouldn’t change based on what idiot is elected.
Elected idiot is correct, this time around again, voting is like picking which camp counselor is going to molest you.

So far in my life I haven't been personally affected by much in my time.
Hard liquor is only in liquor stores due to religious peeps, no biggy, I'm good.
ATF said a pistol brace was illegal, had to throw it away, I'm sure the courts will cancel that out,
doesn't bother me I want a adjustable real stock anyway, I'll pay my $200 bones to the galley man, and they'll throw me on a watch list, woopety doo!
I'll still be happy.

kind of an Absurdist I guess :scratchchin:

Only 140, I'm sure you'll get by.
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Gen Z----Generation Z – born 1995-2012.
For those in the twenty year old group there are amazing opportunities out there.

By now you should have that college degree, many even an advanced degree and making BIG BUCKS---Or better yet you got a gov't or union job and your just about set for life, which is a good thing if you owe money for that college degree. Best yet---start and run a non-profit or become a consultant!

As a retired high school teacher I do not know of of any 12 year olds with college degrees. Maybe a few with part time acting or music jobs exist. The minimum wage for fast food jobs in California is now $20.00 per hour, $15.00 for non fast food.
California (Obama) Medical plan covers pregnancy cost for male and female. Covers some limited duration psychology services, drug rehab etc. I asked, there is no way to decline and get a lower rate. It would be discrimination not to cover men for pregnancy needs.
Bill D
Let me tell you something about socialism. I’ll use health care as an example. There are lots of problems with socialised anything. But you guys in the USA are being taken to the cleaners with your per person healthcare costs.

I wouldn’t be surprised if some of you guys pay more for health insurance than I pay in income tax in a year.
show me ONE govt project that at the very least achieved all its objectives, on budget, on time...
Just about everything here. 10,000 miles of 250 mph trains, in the same time SF almost managed to finish three blocks of subway. Countries have switched places, US is now totally incompetent, China gets stuff done pretty well. No wonder drooling joe is running scared.
Let me tell you something about socialism. I’ll use health care as an example. There are lots of problems with socialised anything. But you guys in the USA are being taken to the cleaners with your per person healthcare costs.

I wouldn’t be surprised if some of you guys pay more for health insurance than I pay in income tax in a year.
USA health insurance is about $500 per month per head. No discount for kids. So mom,dad two kids is around $2,000 per month. A little less if the parents are younger.
Some here will say I only pay xxx per month. No you pay xxx, your employer covers the diference. The amount the employer pays is like tax free income to the worker. The worker has to pay income tax on his salary then turn around and use that taxed money to buy insurance.
Bill D
USA health insurance is about $500 per month per head. No discount for kids. So mom,dad two kids is around $2,000 per month. A little less if the parents are younger.
Some here will say I only pay xxx per month. No you pay xxx, your employer covers the diference. The amount the employer pays is like tax free income to the worker. The worker has to pay income tax on his salary then turn around and use that taxed money to buy insurance.
Bill D

A person earning $60,000 per year here would pay about $12,000 in tax.

On top of publicly funded health care here in New Zealand, I choose to have private health insurance. I have the best I can buy in New Zealand. It is $25 a week for me. Also private medical costs are less here.

I have never been to the USA but if I trust what I see on the internet. It seems that you guys have insanely cheap consumer products and insanely cheap things like petrol and the like.

But your service costs are extremely high. For example you guys pay a fortune to have automotive repair, plumbing, electrical, construction work done. I have seen American mechanic YouTube channels where guys say what a repair would cost. Here those costs would scrap the car.

Our consumer product costs are a lot higher but our service costs are a lot lower.

You guys have to earn so much more per hour just to survive due to the extreme costs of getting anything done.

Not saying either way is better. Just comparing.
In my next life, I would like to pursue Civil Engineering, and somehow work my way into a position that I could git the red tape out of highway work.

It just pisses me off to no end when they shut down a bridge for the whole summer - to replace it. I am talking bridge over crick on 2 lane State of US hwy.

I can go 150 klicks out into the Canadian bush and see where the loggers built a road through the bush, came to a crick, and in [what sems like] a few days, they have poured foundation on both sides and lowered a Bailey over it, and now run 120,000# combination logging trucks over it. All on their own dime! (in agreeance of getting the timber rights for that area)

Then there is the current state of Jersey Dividers and orange cone season. Any stretch of road that they plan to work on this summer, gits all coned up, and maybe started, and then it could be months before they are back in that area. And this somehow is how it works out?


I am Ox and I approve this here post!

There is a big difference between a forest service road and even a dirt road that shown on the provincial maps as a "road" when it comes to getting things done around here.

An example, I live 5 miles up a dirt road, the "road" is on the maps and is a dirt road for 20 miles total. There is maybe 10 houses on this road, and 3 on a small off shoot road. In reality, at 20 miles the road is no longer a " road" but is now a forestry service road and it keeps going off into the woods and ties into other forestry roads and you could be out there for weeks driving around.

At mile 19, there is a creek, heavy rain storm and flooding the old basic logging road style bridge got washed out. At mile 20 there is a cattle ranch, single house/property ( one of 5 on the road) that is where the road "ends" and the forestry road continues. They end up putting in a small single lane temp bridge.

2 years go by, and they start building a new $1,000,000+ bridge and restoring the creek bank for 100 +- feet or so each side of the bridge. Took them 2/3 of a year to build this bridge. The creek banks looks nice and park like for 100 feet each direction, they were super careful and had screens and filters for the creek water and all kinds of stuff during construction and cleaned up everything nicely when done. past that 100' there is the natural creek, still looking like it did the day the big water came through and washed the bridge ut, a twist of trees and logs every where...
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How much of your life do you want to trade or sell for your existence? The rest is then available for wonder thrill or achievement.

Sure, there is nothing wrong with that. It just depends on what path someone wants to take in life.

For me, existence is not enough. I do not want to trade my time for money, and if I must, then I need far greater returns on that time than a standard hourly wage will provide.

The life I am trying to build is not complex. If anything, it was considered quite common until 30 or 40 years ago; a 20-30 acre homestead; a well built house where I can raise 4 or 5 young'ns. A decent 4 season shop building for the business; pastures for goats and a few head of cattle. Chickens, fruit trees, gardens and all.

I want to make babies and raise them in a traditional Christian household; under the tutelage of married parents who love and respect each other with obedience to God; I want to feed them food that isn't genetically modified, covered in pesticide, cut with preservatives, topped off with red 40 (for color) and packaged with micro plastics.

I could go on but I think it's enough to paint the picture. These days it will take $600k or more to make that happen - I'm not crying about it, that's just what it is. It's a fight the whole way; not only securing the resources, but the lifestyle as a whole is more challenging - and in my opinion, more rewarding.

40 hours a week at the widget factory will no longer provide the cash flow necessary to build a future like that without alternative income. I do not want to spend 5 days a week in someone else shop anyway.

I'm ok with sacrificing 5-7 years of my life to balls out non-stop work between my business and my day job now if that is what it takes to get a solid foundation in place for the future.
Sure, there is nothing wrong with that. It just depends on what path someone wants to take in life.

For me, existence is not enough. I do not want to trade my time for money, and if I must, then I need far greater returns on that time than a standard hourly wage will provide.

The life I am trying to build is not complex. If anything, it was considered quite common until 30 or 40 years ago; a 20-30 acre homestead; a well built house where I can raise 4 or 5 young'ns. A decent 4 season shop building for the business; pastures for goats and a few head of cattle. Chickens, fruit trees, gardens and all.

I want to make babies and raise them in a traditional Christian household; under the tutelage of married parents who love and respect each other with obedience to God; I want to feed them food that isn't genetically modified, covered in pesticide, cut with preservatives, topped off with red 40 (for color) and packaged with micro plastics.

I could go on but I think it's enough to paint the picture. These days it will take $600k or more to make that happen - I'm not crying about it, that's just what it is. It's a fight the whole way; not only securing the resources, but the lifestyle as a whole is more challenging - and in my opinion, more rewarding.

40 hours a week at the widget factory will no longer provide the cash flow necessary to build a future like that without alternative income. I do not want to spend 5 days a week in someone else shop anyway.

I'm ok with sacrificing 5-7 years of my life to balls out non-stop work between my business and my day job now if that is what it takes to get a solid foundation in place for the future.

I am not a religious man but that doesn’t make what you are trying to do any less honerable.

I see a lot of people taking family life and taking many things in life for granted. They just don’t know life without certain things.

I am 36 years old. Always wanted the traditional life as that is what always felt right to me. But I have never met anybody. Never been married.

Honestly I don’t see that changing any time soon.

There are men alive today who will probably never have a wife or family. I think many of those won’t be by choice.

The last 30 years have had extreme changes in societal expectations and way of living.
Sure, there is nothing wrong with that. It just depends on what path someone wants to take in life.

For me, existence is not enough. I do not want to trade my time for money, and if I must, then I need far greater returns on that time than a standard hourly wage will provide.

The life I am trying to build is not complex. If anything, it was considered quite common until 30 or 40 years ago; a 20-30 acre homestead; a well built house where I can raise 4 or 5 young'ns. A decent 4 season shop building for the business; pastures for goats and a few head of cattle. Chickens, fruit trees, gardens and all.

I want to make babies and raise them in a traditional Christian household; under the tutelage of married parents who love and respect each other with obedience to God; I want to feed them food that isn't genetically modified, covered in pesticide, cut with preservatives, topped off with red 40 (for color) and packaged with micro plastics.

I could go on but I think it's enough to paint the picture. These days it will take $600k or more to make that happen - I'm not crying about it, that's just what it is. It's a fight the whole way; not only securing the resources, but the lifestyle as a whole is more challenging - and in my opinion, more rewarding.

40 hours a week at the widget factory will no longer provide the cash flow necessary to build a future like that without alternative income. I do not want to spend 5 days a week in someone else shop anyway.

I'm ok with sacrificing 5-7 years of my life to balls out non-stop work between my business and my day job now if that is what it takes to get a solid foundation in place for the future.
ditto, minus the religious stuff, and most likely minus the kids at my age
I am not a religious man but that doesn’t make what you are trying to do any less honerable.

I see a lot of people taking family life and taking many things in life for granted. They just don’t know life without certain things.

I am 36 years old. Always wanted the traditional life as that is what always felt right to me. But I have never met anybody. Never been married.

Honestly I don’t see that changing any time soon.

There are men alive today who will probably never have a wife or family. I think many of those won’t be by choice.

The last 30 years have had extreme changes in societal expectations and way of living.
this hits home... i got 4 years on you and know exactly what you mean.
Sure, there is nothing wrong with that. It just depends on what path someone wants to take in life.

For me, existence is not enough. I do not want to trade my time for money, and if I must, then I need far greater returns on that time than a standard hourly wage will provide.

The life I am trying to build is not complex. If anything, it was considered quite common until 30 or 40 years ago; a 20-30 acre homestead; a well built house where I can raise 4 or 5 young'ns. A decent 4 season shop building for the business; pastures for goats and a few head of cattle. Chickens, fruit trees, gardens and all.

I want to make babies and raise them in a traditional Christian household; under the tutelage of married parents who love and respect each other with obedience to God; I want to feed them food that isn't genetically modified, covered in pesticide, cut with preservatives, topped off with red 40 (for color) and packaged with micro plastics.

I could go on but I think it's enough to paint the picture. These days it will take $600k or more to make that happen - I'm not crying about it, that's just what it is. It's a fight the whole way; not only securing the resources, but the lifestyle as a whole is more challenging - and in my opinion, more rewarding.

40 hours a week at the widget factory will no longer provide the cash flow necessary to build a future like that without alternative income. I do not want to spend 5 days a week in someone else shop anyway.

I'm ok with sacrificing 5-7 years of my life to balls out non-stop work between my business and my day job now if that is what it takes to get a solid foundation in place for the future.
It's one of the benefits of a free society that one can choose a path like you did, with no or few restrictions. Others may choose a different path. It's all good.
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