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OFF TOPIC: Impressive Epoxy Resin Diorama

52 Ford

May 20, 2021
I saw this on YouTube a minute ago, and while it isn't machinisty, I thought it was pretty damned impressive and if you like attention to detail, you aught to like this. It's a model of a U boat being struck by depth charges. Watch the video!
That's pretty neat!
I'm surprised that when he mixed up that much epoxy that it didn't get extremely hot. I mixed up some epoxy resin in a Solo cup and it flashed, giving me second degree burns on my fingers.
Cool! Reminded me of one of my aunts art projects in the 70's, she was encapsulating bugs, dead birds, random objects in lucite, pretty sure we just call it epoxy today. One day she decided a 30-06 round would look good with some random tools, the exothermic heat set it off and it blew out the whole corner, quite honestly, it was the best piece she made:D
Cool! Reminded me of one of my aunts art projects in the 70's, she was encapsulating bugs, dead birds, random objects in lucite, pretty sure we just call it epoxy today. One day she decided a 30-06 round would look good with some random tools, the exothermic heat set it off and it blew out the whole corner, quite honestly, it was the best piece she made:D

People seriously underestimate how hot epoxy gets. I bet that 30-06 let off one helluva bang! My buddy had a 209 primer go off (used in 12 gauge shells) in my shed. I was standing in the doorway and MY ears were ringing. Guess I was 15 or 16?
That's pretty neat!
I'm surprised that when he mixed up that much epoxy that it didn't get extremely hot. I mixed up some epoxy resin in a Solo cup and it flashed, giving me second degree burns on my fingers.
I'm FAR from an expert on epoxy... that said, I believe slower setting epoxy is better for mixing in bulk and/or doing deep pours. Since it takes longer to set, it doesn't get as hot. I mean, it might put out the same amount of heat, just over a longer period of time.

I guess... :)
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Probably used something like this for the epoxy casting.
