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How do I make a usb work in a "floppy emulator" floppy drive to usb conversion?

comp 670

Mar 5, 2016
How do I make a usb work in a "floppy emulator" floppy drive to usb conversion?

Hi, I bought a 2001 Haas VF3 that has a GOTEK "floppy emulator" ( I think that's what it is called) to replace the floppy drive so it can use a USB stick to load programs in the machine. I have a program to run but it wont load. Doing some research it looks like the USB stick must be "formatted" to look like a floppy disk to the machine? Then there are two buttons and a 0 to 99 readout on the emulator that you pick what program number you want to load?

I am NOT good at all with computer stuff, I've tried online to format the usb but I'm getting no where.

If anybody could walk me through how to format the usb then load a program that would be awesome..
I use cheap, small thumb drives like this: Amazon.com: [NOT 256GB ] Enfain Bulk Small Capacity 256mb Flash Drive 1 Pack Black: Computers & Accessories as you don't gain anything from 1Gb+ drives. You'll need the 1.44 floppy emulator formatting software, I use this: http://www.ipcas.com/support/usb-floppy-emulation-download.html Download the first file (V1.40i) to your computer.

At that point, I'd suggest having someone on hand who's more comfortable with computers to help with the USB converting, but you can try it on your own if you have patience and don't throw things when frustrated (as I'm about to do with my malfunctioning mouse).

From a reality standpoint, I never use the extra folders for program storage, just the first one. It's easy to lose track of what's on the thumb drive, so I keep it simple.
There may be issues with using large thumb drives - I've had no problem when using the smaller (<1Gb) drives. As to getting the software on the drive, you don't - load it on your computer, start it, then chose the thumb drive to format, which changes the file structure on the drive itself. At that point when you plug it into either a computer or the machine tool, it should behave like a 1.44 floppy.
Ok, thanks. I'm going to have to take it somewhere and have it done. I have no clue how to open the program and run it. Thanks for the help.
Did you download the zip file to your desktop? If so, just clicking on the icon should bring it up. But it's not a bad idea to find someone more conversant with these things...
I downloaded it but it never gave me the option of putting on my desktop? Its in the computer under files and programs but I don't know how to get it to open. Like I said I'm VERY stupid when it comes to computers. Yea, I know, kind of dumb of me to try and open a cnc shop when I cant even use a computer properly.
If you go to the "files and programs" folder, and click on the 1.40i folder icon, it should open to an .exe file (be careful with these in most circumstances, but I've used this program before and it's not malware). Once you click it, it should open, you may get a security warning from your computer but you can click "Run".

BTW, don't limit yourself by not learning more about how to use common features of a desktop computer. Check out "computers for beginners" or similar on Youtube to find plenty of video tutorials.
Ok, I got the usb formatted into 99 1.39mb "floppies"... Now I have to figure out how to get the program I was sent via e-mail onto it. So far no luck but still working on it. THANK YOU for the help, I cant wait to run our first part....

The trouble I am having is how do I open ONE of the "floppies" on the usb and load the program on it?
Heh - I think it's time to call in an expert. Do you have any kids or grandkids nearby? If so, offer them lunch or something in exchange for an hour of showing you what works for computer basics. Or check out some of the videos I mentioned. Good luck, be patient...
I'm trying my best to understand this but none of it is logical. It should be as simple as moving a file from one place to another but its not. I'll figure it out, just bummed were not making chips!!
Ok, I got the usb formatted into 99 1.39mb "floppies"... Now I have to figure out how to get the program I was sent via e-mail onto it. So far no luck but still working on it. THANK YOU for the help, I cant wait to run our first part....

The trouble I am having is how do I open ONE of the "floppies" on the usb and load the program on it?

Open the Gcode file in a text editor or something and save it as a Oxxxx.NC file in floppy 001. Make sure the seven segment display on your USB-Floppy drive says "1" (or just matches whichever virtual floppy drive you save your program to). For instance, if you save your program in floppy folder 3 make sure your drive says 3 as well. Then on your Haas go to "List Program", type in the file name and hit F3 (I think?) and it should download it to your list. I ran into the exact same thing a while ago on our GOTEK drive and at the time the big hurdle was getting the USB drive formatted to a floppy drive but you had to use GOTEK's software to format it correctly. I hope you get it working. I'll try to check back tomorrow when I am back at work where all my stuff is at!
I used IPCAS software to format the USB thumb drive. I tried to find GOTEK's software online but have had no luck finding it.. That must be my problem. Thank you for the info.

EDIT, from what I am finding the IPACS software is fine to use with a GOTEK. I'm just not doing something right to get the G code onto the thumb drive. It seems to be formatted properly, I'm just not doing something in the right sequence or something.
Worked on it all night and here is where I'm at. I have the USB stick formatted to 100 floppies using ipacs software. If I put this in the Haas VF3 it seems to accept the program already in the machine using F2, it does not alarm out. After doing that though I cant read it on the computer, it comes up saying corrupted file? I also cant seem to get a program off my computer onto the thumb drive in one of the "floppies". I have the program saved multiple ways, and can read it on the computer in "notepad". I have tried naming it different things also. I thought with a Haas the program has to be named something like O1000.. The capital letter O then four numbers?

I had two friends who are very good with computers try to figure it out and it stumped both of them so I don't feel so bad now..lol.. Will keep trying to figure it out after work today, we want to make some chips!!

One thing I'm going to do today is get a smaller thumb drive. The one I have is 16GB and I have read online that some people have had trouble using ones with more then 1GB?
I tried everything I could and had three other people try also. No go. So I converted it back to a floppy drive and it works great. I had some old floppys from my old job and it loads them fine now. I do have a new program a guy wrote me yesterday that wont load but there must be something wrong with the post or something. Slowly getting this deal figured out. Hope to make some chips SOON!!! Thank you to all those that tried to help.
