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Sentry Business insurance

Fal Grunt

Aug 5, 2010
Medina OH
I had been considering making a thread about my current run arounds with Sentry and my business policy, and the recent thread on a new start shop needing insurance made me decide to post. That combined with the post in the General section about the guy losing everything and having difficulties with insurance.

I signed my current policy in September of 2020, the policy was $1800/yr. This covered my 1000 sq ft building, machinery comprised mostly of old manuals, but primarily a Brother S1000. Building was $177k, and personal property was $250k. Both more than I wanted, but "minimums" according to them. No product liability. September of last year my policy renewed, for $2800.

The insurance company called a few weeks after the renewal to check in and see if I needed to make any changes. I told them that the continued raises every year were not acceptable and to cancel my policy. Of course, since my policy had just renewed, they couldn't cancel the policy. If they canceled the policy there would be a fee. Of course there is! The very nice, very helpful woman on the phone asked if it would be alright if she took a look at my policy and see if there were things that could be adjusted to reduce the rates.

The further I dig into my policy now, the more criminal and corrupt I view insurance agencies. Today, my building is insured for $377k, and personal property $350k. Their justification is that due to inflation, that is what my shop and contents would currently cost to replace. I called my builder and asked what my building would cost today. Less than $100k, $125k with plenty of margin. Call the insurance person back, and they CANNOT insure my building for less, because I CANNOT build a building for less. She said she spoke at length with the underwriter about this, and he would not allow the building to be insured for less than $351 a sq ft!!!! I asked her to provide me a letter that Sentry will write me a check for $377k if I have a total loss. She won't, they won't.

When I signed my policy I was listed as a Machine Shop. Today I am listed as an "Aerosol Spray Mfg". She has no idea. She said a federal agency classifies businesses and they changed my "type". She swears it has absolutely no bearing on my policy. There were several other aspects that were changed, or information that no one there can account for. Of course, no one who initially made my policy works there.

My building was originally listed as Masonry construction, when it was insured for $177k. They don't know why it was listed as masonry. I notified them as soon as I saw it, and they changed it. She said that was the reason I saw such an increase for cost. Now that it is a pole building, the insurance is much higher. I said, no, you have that backwards, a Masonry construction costs significantly more than a pole building, or, is it because the building is a higher risk because it is a pole building? She said she doesn't know.

I asked what it would cost to cancel the policy. What would the fee be? They can't invoice you until they cancel the policy! No way of knowing the cost until you cancel the policy.

Now they want to do an "in depth financial audit" and come out and thoroughly inspect the building as well as send out an auditor.

I told her to audit themselves.
Brother I totally feel your pain and am in complete agreement with you. Insurance is a complete scam. Our entire culture is based on fear mongering. Think about it. Everything is fear based. You pay taxes out of fear, you go to the doctor or dentist out of fear. Everything is intended to make you afraid - be very afraid is the motto of the day. If you're married and your wife is of child bearing age, the hell they put these women through in our day out of fear that there "MIGHT" be something wrong with their baby is criminal. This is insanity. There are many good people on here that will not engage in business because they don't want to run the risk of losing everything because they are afraid they can get sued - and rightly so. Best wishes on finding a better solution - and when you do - will you please remember to post back to this thread?!
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I had Sentry in the past and just resigned with them because they came in about 20% cheaper for 2024.

I didn't have any significant claims with them but a friends shop burned down. Sentry had a check in his hand day one and covered everything generously with no hassles. I have another friend in the business that also vouched for them. This is why I'm very comfortable with them.

Nobody likes paying for insurance and I have had very bad experiences with insurance companies. < AAA > So, believe me, I understand the frustration.

After a fire...there is potential for hazardous cleanup, code upgrades, permits, maybe a new slab, etc., etc

All that being said....$2,800 for piece of mind is money well spent.
This is why I use a local insurance broker. Sure, they make something on the deal, but they work with more than one insurance company, they are up to date on local costs, regulations, and zoning, etc.
That said, you dont wanna know what my business insurance costs. I have 7 business buildings on my farm, and so I have to have both homeowners, and a biz policy that covers buildings, contents, and liability. For the big jobs I have done, I need to have a 2 million general liability policy.
I have been with Liberty Mutual for years, since they bought out Safeco, and while it aint cheap, the others are more.
Started using Sentry in 2012 it was $2800.00 a year for $400,000.00 property and 2 million general liability. Like i posted in the new shop insurance thread it was up to $8800.00 per year for 2023. Zero claims the entire time.
Nobody likes paying for insurance and I have had very bad experiences with insurance companies. < AAA > So, believe me, I understand the frustration.

After a fire...there is potential for hazardous cleanup, code upgrades, permits, maybe a new slab, etc., etc

All that being said....$2,800 for piece of mind is money well spent.
I don't mind paying for insurance if it is logical, reasonable, and I have some inkling that the company is honest and forth rite. $351 a sq ft is 12,229% higher than what my local builder quoted. The fact that they won't say whether or not they will pay it, tells me they won't pay it.
This is why I use a local insurance broker. Sure, they make something on the deal, but they work with more than one insurance company, they are up to date on local costs, regulations, and zoning, etc.
That said, you dont wanna know what my business insurance costs. I have 7 business buildings on my farm, and so I have to have both homeowners, and a biz policy that covers buildings, contents, and liability. For the big jobs I have done, I need to have a 2 million general liability policy.
I have been with Liberty Mutual for years, since they bought out Safeco, and while it aint cheap, the others are more.
Well, two things.

One, I have tried every local insurance broker. If you are honest with them, and you machine anything for consumer products, or anything for industry, then you are un-insurable. I could lie, or obfuscate the truth, like many do and advocate doing, but I won't.

Second, I am sure your premiums are high, but if you have 7 buildings on a farm, you probably have significantly higher earnings than me, and probably pay less in property taxes. Your interest for loans are federally subsidized, and your insurance includes crop losses, etc. So are they comparable? Probably not.
We have Sentry. It is about 3x more expensive than our last policy. However, I am pretty sure that we are actually well covered if "something happens".

Our landlord is a multinational investment conglomerate that DNGAF about tenants. They want everyone to have liability coverage that is often orders of magnitude larger than what they need. Since the evil landlord is asking for increasingly massive liability coverage every year, it makes sense to at least carry a policy that will write me a giant cardboard check if the building burns down.
That's correct.

I made two obsolete components for a grinder for a local company. That company makes parts for another local company, that makes tooling for another local company, that makes parts for another company in mexico, that makes parts of an assembly, for another company that makes the assembly, for another company who sells that assembly for replacement parts for an airplane.

That makes me a aerospace supplier.

Per insurance.

Are you getting Product Liability Ins as well?


I am Ox and I approve this post!
Are you getting Product Liability Ins as well?


I am Ox and I approve this post!
No, because I make firearms components, even though they are not technically firearms, I cannot get product liability. The guy from Sentry said it's a moot point. Automotive, consumer, aerospace, it all would prevent me from getting product liability.
My point:

Why would it matter what flavor widget that you are making, if they're not backing it up?

Answer here is "Nunyas".

Doo you use a torch?
A welder?
Doo you apply laquers?
What does you heating source look like?
Maybe even how many hours a week is the shop running?

These things would be highly relivent to fire ins.

What the items that you make there go to would be "Nunyas".

Someone from Auto Owners stops by every few years to look things over from the outside and make sure that there is new fire extinguishers hanging just inside each outside door.


I am Ox and I approve this post!
I have ZERO expectations that they will do what they are charging me. But its the law to have insurance so welcome to thunder dome bitch!
One does not have to pass a law to make it a law. All you have to do is make it that it is required to do so and presto you must have insurance. The outcome is still feels the same.
Man, that's weird about them changing stuff on your policy. They've been fairly squared away for me. I've had three claims. Bumped a spindle when I was just starting out (should have just eaten that one), got robbed 10k. Just recently shop heavily damaged in fire, about 200k. No hassles on any claim and they haven't dropped me. I think I'm under 4k per year which I'm happy for.
They keep jumping up on us, and "recommend" we get an electrician to inspect our breaker panels this year. No thanks, there are seventeen of them. Nice of them to spend my money for me. I asked if there was any specific concern. No, just "age." Building was made in the late 70s, and what does that have to do with the wiring?

I imagine when we don't they'll drop us.
One does not have to pass a law to make it a law. All you have to do is make it that it is required to do so and presto you must have insurance. The outcome is still feels the same.

The op owns his shop. He is not required to carry any insurance on his building, machines or products.
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All the local insurers have been crying poor because of all the floods,bushfires,hurricanes,climate change ,global warming etc ................just recent their 1/2 year results to the market......every one has profit up 25-35%.......an excuse maker for one says ---Profits are due to wise investments ,not increased premiums.
One does not have to pass a law to make it a law. All you have to do is make it that it is required to do so and presto you must have insurance. The outcome is still feels the same.

Required by who you?


I am Ox and I approve this here post!
I have Sentry and have for 18 years or something now. My "agent" is a complete nit whit and I won't let him on the premises and refuse to speak with him. But his inside person is fine and I don't mind working with her. We've had a few claims over the years and they settled on my behalf a frivolous threat of a lawsuit and they paid for a worker who fell of a pickup truck and got injured and they bitch slapped an employee that had a history of making frivolous claims. I have all business insurance from property to inland marine to workers comp to automotive. Overall they have been square to deal with. I don't like pissing away money on insurance but we make more money in a single job with a customer that needs $2M coverage than what the whole year of coverage costs, it's just another business expense. Whenever an employee claims to have hurt themselves the first thing I do is file the workers comp claim for them and then let the insurance company deal with them. If they are legitimate Sentry's workers comp has been fine and gotten the employee the coverage they need. But for the employees that make make believe claims I just don't have to deal with. That's between them and the insurance company.
