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A question for the lathe guys


Aug 17, 2020
Sunset side of the Mitten
I have a customer who needs a 7/32 od x 50' long round bar. They requested stainless, but I'm having no luck finding that or their favored replacement O1 drill rod.

My question is, I can find the O1 drill rod in 12' sections. How realistic is it to think these sections could be threaded and expect them to fit up damned near perfect so that there is a seamless fit? This 50' piece is in essence a pull/push setup that cannot mar what it is pushing through.

I wish I could be more specific but that starts to get into proprietary grey area.

Thanks for any and all help.
I guess you could turn it between centers...not.
1/4 to 7/32
X oh wait 50 feet long, that is going to be a darn long drill bit.

7/32 303 ss and 7/32 air hard A-2

Ops , Im not a lathe guy.
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I have only seen 20' lengths at most. I am sure you can have what you need made but it might be years before you get it.
Check with the spring makers out there. I bet they have this in 304 SS in coils. Spring tempered, too! They can straighten it for you. They definitely would have it in Music wire,too.
Going to be interested how you are going to transport this when finished and not get all bent up.
I have a customer who needs a 7/32 od x 50' long round bar. They requested stainless, but I'm having no luck finding that or their favored replacement O1 drill rod.

My question is, I can find the O1 drill rod in 12' sections. How realistic is it to think these sections could be threaded and expect them to fit up damned near perfect so that there is a seamless fit? This 50' piece is in essence a pull/push setup that cannot mar what it is pushing through.

I wish I could be more specific but that starts to get into proprietary grey area.

Thanks for any and all help.
I'm very interested in how this turns out!
Turn a taper internal and external with a shoulder to lock up against. Tap both ends and use a grub screw to hold them together. I hope you are getting paid a shit ton of money for this because it can be done but it is real fiddly.
This 50' piece is in essence a pull/push setup that cannot mar what it is pushing through.
The push part sounds like a recipe for buckling. Even if the rod is supported the whole way with very much push force at all the friction of the support may be enough to make it lock up.

If there is any chance of personal injury don't change the design on your own. A poor too-long rod design and a field change to something that was makeable is what caused the Kansas City Hyatt skywalk collapse.

Lol, thanks for the replies Gents. This company has been doing this process for many moons. They are just wanting to expand their line of hose to some not so popular sizes. I wish I could be more specific but can't. This is actually a favor to them because they are a great customer and we try to make their ideas work.

I'll check out a couple more suggestions (spring makers and ???'s idea) and report back. Thanks again
I think your engineer needs to spend some time with me. Engineer to engineer, for a few days.
They're already doing this with 6mm 50' rods all the way up to 1.36". It's a process that they've been doing for many years. They'd just like to expand to some sizes that are less popular.

After talking with them this morning, the material we use isn't as important as the surface finish. That unfortunately rules out cable.
