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Hamas strike on Israel.

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And again from the Guardian (see a pattern here Freedommachine)

from the article

The Biden administration’s support for Israel’s war in Gaza has come under intensified scrutiny after it revealed it had bypassed Congress to supply tank shells, and was reported not to be carrying out continual assessments of whether Israel was committing possible war crimes.

Zelensky's going to be upset as Congress is holding up the latest funding he's expecting.

Oh no, lying war mongers are lying and mongering war! 🤯

81 million living, breathing, tax paying Americans voted for this in the most free and fair election of all time - clearly this is the sort of US policy they wanted.
No one under the age of 40 has any excuse to claim that they didn't know who those people are.

Elections have consequences and here we are.
Hey uria

IDF is now using White Phosphorus in Lebanon, you must be proud of your guys.


From The Guardian.

White House 'concerned' by reports Israel military is using white phosphorus

The White House says it is “concerned” over new reports that Israel used US-supplied white phosphorus in a bombing attack in Lebanon that injured civilians and burned down houses.

John Kirby
, strategic communications coordinator for the National Security Council, has just been briefing reporters aboard Air Force One, and was asked about the allegations.

Israel has previously denied it uses white phosphorus, which critics say put civilians at risk of serious and long-term injury, and is banned from use in civilian areas. On at least three occasions, 10, 11 and 16 October, Israel launched attacks in southern Lebanon, with Human Rights Watch posting links to video of “155mm white phosphorus artillery projectiles being used, apparently as smokescreens, marking or signaling”.

Kirby said the Biden administration would be raising the new report with Israel’s government:

We’ve seen the reports, we’re certainly concerned about that. We’ll be asking questions and trying to learn a little bit more.

It’s important to remind that white phosphorus does have a legitimate military utility in terms of illumination and reducing smoke to conceal movements.

And obviously any time that we provide items like white phosphorus to another military, it is with full expectation that it’ll be used for legitimate purposes and in keeping with the law of armed conflict.


Of course we should ignore the fact that the 155mm White Phosphorus shells are supplied by the USA
Very proud of IDF
And i am not alone
All of Israel stand behind our Army

But its hard to understand that from the other side of the world with no knowledge of middle Eastern history or culture

So keep up your good work pumping "news" back and forth

I am out of this discussion
Very proud of IDF
And i am not alone
All of Israel stand behind our Army

Oh yea, not that long ago members of the guvmn't were calling reservists who were protesting the changes to the Supreme Court 'Anarchists and Traitors'

From the article

EIT KAMA, Israel — It was just last month when Eran Navon, a former Israeli combat soldier, was arrested at an anti-government demonstration near his home outside of Tel Aviv.
He was one of millions of Israelis — including active and former reservists — who spent the year protesting the far-right government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Israeli politicians denounced protesters like Navon, calling them “anarchists” and “traitors.” But now, 53-year-old Navon and other veterans who have been critical of the government are mobilizing to assist Israel’s war effort in Gaza.

All of Israel stand behind our Army

Except Netanyahu's son Yair

too busy enjoying ho's in Miami

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