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Hamas strike on Israel.

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You may have to remind me - I will likely have forgotten about this by tomorrow, let alone a year from now...

No problem.
Just for your information this morning there are multiple satellite and ground level photos of the extent of damage which suggest the narrative I provided in post # 490 is correct.

That is passage of 24 hour to dispel the “fog of war”.
I don’t imagine a year will be required to delineate exactly what has occurred.
It goes without saying perhaps that from a disinformation standpoint the ‘damage is done’ and will not be reversed by a full accurate accounting of this event.
Your ignorance is showing. By international treaty access to the Black Sea is controlled by Turkey, or whatever they are today. They are allowing NO military vessels passage. Ukraine has eliminated at least 4 naval vessels of the Russian Navy. No replacements.
My post was offered as an ignorant attempt at humor.

War Is A Racket
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QT RJ: (many more will die before this is over. How anyone can support either side is beyond me. It's like choosing which nut you want kicked in.)

One might say many more will die before this settels back to normal.
lt likely never will be over untill the enimes of each other are all dead.

We can pray this skimersh is short lived and the the USA and Iran are not drawn in.
QT RJ: (many more will die before this is over. How anyone can support either side is beyond me. It's like choosing which nut you want kicked in.)

One might say many more will die before this settels back to normal.
lt likely never will be over untill the enimes of each other are all dead.

We can pray this skimersh is short lived and the the USA and Iran are not drawn in.
like asking a fat kid to not take the donuts laying in front of him on the table...
would be the best thing to happen to humanity if we got rid of all religions. alas it'll never happen. too many weak people that need an escape for their weakness
The more I think about this, and see the events unfold- is it more about religion or egotism? Are they even different concepts at this level?
QT: would be the best thing to happen to humanity if we got rid of all religions.

plus rid all laws and moral responsibility.
The world would be a pretty exciting place, because one would need to know when to duck, hide or shoot first.
Biden drafts $100 billion foreign aid package, including money for Israel and Ukraine.

We should just start selling 20s for five bucks to all foreign countries. That way we would save a small return on our investments.

:icon_bs:There is no evidence that "Jesus Christ" ever existed. The accounts in the bible are by people who never met him or lived at the same time. The closest is Paul, about 70 years after. The other "gospels" were written 250-400 years later. No civilization of the time recorded anything concurrent with the time he allegedly lived. Most of these accounts were written in Greek, a few in Latin. No accounts concurrent with the alleged existence exist. None in Aramaic or Hebrew. Greek and Latin? Not a word concurrent with the alleged existence of anyone who could be the Jesus so many believe in.
In any case the area now known as Israel was the Jewish homeland until Mohammed went to Heaven in CE832. His instructions to his followers were to kill all Jews and Christians. Jews were driven out of their home lands for years , provoking the Crusades. This is complicated by the fact that Mo's followers were Jews who jumped ship for Mo's new extreme beliefs. Just look at the customs of both such as Halal vs Kosher and circumcision for example. THAT can't be coincidence. In any case the real estate now called Isreal was the original Jewish homeland. All they want is to live peacefully there. It is made difficult by being surrounded by savages who believe that their religion commands them to kill all Jews. Those of you who are believing the line that the Jews are oppressors ignore the fact that the Knesset , the Isreali parliament, is 21% Arabs. They live peaceful productive lives amid the Jews some of you decry. They hate the Hamas and HezBollah as much as any Jew.

@Rob F.

Do you actually care about Palestinians or do you simply dislike Israel?

You've clearly been the most vocal person in this thread. I'd like to know if you actually care, if you're virtue signaling, or you just like to debate for the sake of debate.

I mentioned repeatedly that I'm not altruistic. I don't really care what happens there. If everyone here is honest, most would likely make the same admission.

But I do care that this conflict doesn't escalate into a full blown war that could, at best, cause oil prices to skyrocket resulting in a worldwide economic collapse, or at worst, turn into WW3.

The two ways this happens are (a) Israel keeps doing what it's doing and eradicates Hamas, while the US flexes its muscle to prevent Iran from getting involved, or (b) Hamas releases all 200+ hostages without negotiation and international pressure forces Israel to back down.

Criticizing Israel doesn't help facilitate either of these scenarios.
Infidels are people who don’t follow the Koran, the teachings of Mohammed. Jews. Christians, with all the other religions, along with people with no beliefs need to get their heads chopped off for not following Mohammed..acording to Isis and radical groups.
I think lot of Muslims are not a part of the radicals.
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QT: would be the best thing to happen to humanity if we got rid of all religions.

plus rid all laws and moral responsibility.
The world would be a pretty exciting place, because one would need to know when to duck, hide or shoot first.
i dont believe we need religion/deity to draw upon for morals and laws.
QT em: ( i dont believe we need religion/deity to draw upon for morals and laws.)

Good that in the USA you have the right to believe as you wish. That is the law in this USA.
i get that, and definitely grateful for it. my point is that religion is not necessary for people to be moral/good.
Back when I was a lad and taken in to a pub for my first drink, I was given a glass of beer and a cigarette, with the following words ''Drink that and smoke that, ...............and never talk religion and politics.''

That was a very wise man.
Nah, where's the fun in that:) It's given me hours of entertainment over the years.
These days I just don't have the will to argue any more - so many people have become so polarised to their own opinions (and tied to those of their peer groups) to the point where they won't even listen to a reasoned argument any more, or admit that a different truth may be possible.
But I still enjoy watching it go on....
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