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Hamas strike on Israel.

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The term "terrorist" is sort of a western thing. It is a catch-all phrase intended to describe 'one who attacks the innocent without provocation'. In actuality, it is subjective and based upon the perspective of the individual using the term.
The attacker will always have something that provoked them to attack. Those being attacked will always view that provocation as trivial or without merit - therefore writing off the attacker as nothing more than a simple "terrorist".

Waging war against idolators; Jews, Christians, gypsies, pagans ect. - is commanded by the koran. It also states that those who do not support these efforts "are not among you" meaning that they are not muslim. If someone says; "I am a muslim but I denounce jihad, sharia and the taxation or forced conversion of non-muslims." Then they are by definition practicing a different religion than islam... they are not muslim.

It would be no different than someone saying; "I am a Christian but I do not believe that Jesus is the son of God." It just doesn't work that way.

If a person claims to be muslim; we should believe them and treat them accordingly. However, what it means to be muslim can only be defined by their holy book the koran; not by the actions, options and public displays of the 1.8 billion people who claim to be adherents of it's teaching.

If someone wants to know what it means to be muslim; browse through the koran as well as the literature that they teach their children from.

The same measure applies to Christianity. I would welcome anyone to study the literature of my faith and treat me exactly the same way that the bible tells me I must treat you.

If people are not willing to accept being treated based upon the principles and doctrine of their faith without making excuses for it, then they should stop associating themselves with it immediately.

This is fair right?
Have you actually read even one sura? Or are you just repeating what you have been told?
Some non-terrorists Muslims hate other Muslims.
Many Muslims hate Jews, many Jews have disregard for Muslims.

Don't you mean "people who call themselves Jews or muslims"?

Again, there really should be a standard measure by which these things are worked out. If it was not for the koran; islam would not exist. If it were not for the tora; no Judaism.

Considerations of who people are should only be made after gaining at least some fundimental knowledge about what they themselves claim to be.

Are you saying a person who joins the military is not a Christian since they took a job where they shalt kill.
No. "Thou shalt not kill" means You shall not murder. We are judged by our intent more than our actions. Defending life is not murder, negligence - although still likely judged - is not murder. Consider the complex way that the US judicial system judges the death of one person caused by another; intent matters greatly.

War is a far more complex issue. I will be honest with you Bill, I cannot provide a satisfactory answer in detail. I will say this; if a person's motivation to join the military is that they wish to harm others; then no sir, they are not a Christian.

How about non vegetarians.
There are no dietary requirements. If a person chooses to not eat meat, that's fine, whatever works for them. Reference Romans 14:1-3

How is a good christian supposed to kill a witch?
Bill D

See my reply to Buck. Christians do not now, nor have they ever killed witches. Some people who went to church on Sunday and listed to a sharp tongued man manipulate scripture killed people and called them witches.

Nevertheless; Remember they had "tests" to see if someone was a witch... If it were supposedly a nonsense "mission from God", then they wouldn't need tests, right? They would've just claimed that God told them who the witches were.

Good questions though.
People have been taking religion out of context for 100's of years to use as an excuse for their actions. It is really easy to claim a passage from the Bible or Koran or any other religious book means something that it doesn't. Just because someone interprets something one way does not mean it is in fact true. Anytime I have seen anyone use religion to excuse violence upon other people of a different religion it is based on an out of context passage that someone or a group used to manipulate weak minded people to follow them.
Seems to me that all three of the Abrahamic religions and all their hundreds of sub-cults have an equivalent claim in their books of words. King James's version:-
[1] And God spake all these words, saying,
[2] I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.
[3] Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
[4] Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:
[5] Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;

Nice buncha people. Not
Some more strict christians do not make that distinction between kill and murder.
AFAIK Only Jews and 7th day adventists keep the last day of the week as the sabbath day. Any calendar will show the last day of the week is Saturday not Sunday.
MY oven made by GE in the USA has "Sababth mode" for Jewish owners. Turns off certain functions like the microwave, lights, timers, buzzers and kind sorta the thermostat. I think it still has a functioning fire alarm if it goes over 750 degrees or so.
Bill D
William Shakespeare lived about 500 years ago. He wrote in standard English with no deep philosophical teaching. Mohamed three times longer, Christ four times longer, old testament maybe eight times longer ago.
If Shakesphere is that hard for us to understand in our native tongue at only 500 years of language shifting I have to wonder how millennia of hand copying translations in and out of languages the copiers did not understand has changed the word of GOD?
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Mod Note~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Folks, I've been giving this thread quite a bit of leeway, but things are getting out of hand. Lay off the personal attacks.
Keep in mind that in a warzone it is incredibly difficult to get accurate information on what is actually happening.
Also keep in mind that 1.8 billion Muslims in the world, almost 1 in 4 people, try not to lump them all together into one bucket with a bunch of terrorists.

If we can't keep this above board, I will lock the thread
Yes, any bodily threat comments are being monitored outside of this forum. Key words are scanned and content is sent to the National Threat Center.
Data is analyzed and if considered harmful the local jurisdiction is notified. Then the locals decide if your front door is to be busted down at 2am.

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William Shakespeare lived about 500 years ago. He wrote in standard English with no deep philosophical teaching. Mohamed three times longer, Christ four times longer, old testament maybe eight times longer ago.
If Shakesphere is that hard for us to understand in our native tongue at only 500 years of language shifting I have to wonder how millennia of hand copying translations in and out of languages the copiers did not understand has changed the word of GOD?
Not to mentions errors based on personal beliefs.
Heard on the radio about a little girl who had to have her leg amputated with no pain killer.
She died from the pain during the operation while her father watched.
Thank you IDF for that memory.

All the irresponsible handling and storage of nuclear material by the Russians over the years.
What has been recovered by smugglers is the tip of the iceberg. In one Russian court the judge
said "Potatoes are guarded better". Just wait for an act of revenge, IDF.

I think back when I heard a Nixon/Kissinger tape. Nixon brought up the idea of using a nuclear weapon in Vietnam.
"Damn it Henry, I want you to think big!"
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There is talk that Israel will flood the tunnels with sea water. This will contaminate all the water sources in the Gaza for centuries. They will have to wait for the rains to flush the salt away. They say many wells have already been abandoned becasue of too many people around and the aquafier is contaminated with bacteria.
Many reading have no idea how precious water is. In the western US laws are different about water rights. There is a reason that the western USA still uses Spanish water law.
Bill D
There is talk that Israel will flood the tunnels with sea water. This will contaminate all the water sources in the Gaza for centuries. They will have to wait for the rains to flush the salt away. They say many wells have already been abandoned becasue of too many people around and the aquafier is contaminated with bacteria.
Many reading have no idea how precious water is. In the western US laws are different about water rights. There is a reason that the western USA still uses Spanish water law.
Bill D
You are always going to hear rumors of this rumors of that. What's bad is when the rumors are proven to be bullshit and people still believe them. We will probable never now with 100 percent accuracy what is happening over there or anywhere else.
You are always going to hear rumors of this rumors of that. What's bad is when the rumors are proven to be bullshit and people still believe them. We will probable never now with 100 percent accuracy what is happening over there or anywhere else.
I don't even believe that global warming is true.
Isn't it great that some crops are ready for harvest two weeks earlier than they were a few years ago.
Must be those darn bees, wish they would make up their minds...

People living in moderate climates wouldn't know anything about it if there was no mainstream news.
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I don't even believe that global warming is true.
Isn't it great that some crops are ready for harvest two weeks earlier than they were a few years ago.
Must be those darn bees, wish they would make up their minds...

People living in moderate climates wouldn't know anything about it if there was no mainstream news.
I do believe the earths weather has cycles where we have warmer or colder seasons than normal. Thats prettty much it for me.
I do believe the earths weather has cycles where we have warmer or colder seasons than normal. Thats prettty much it for me.
There is a so-called conspiracy theory that the Sun is getting hotter and this CO2 business is mostly bs.
By observing activity changes on planets near to Earth proves that this is correct.
What you don't hear about is Global Dimming". Accelerates global warming.

Perhaps the scientists predicting dates and such did not account for Global Dimming?
That is why recent reports show that there is less time than thought before "Point Of No Return".
For 5000+ years these people have been arguing over who's invisible friend in the sky is the true one which is a heretic. These are life long beliefs based on ancient fairy tales and you are not going to change their mind.
God gave them this land, so they can do anything to anyone that tries to take it. Doesn't matter which side, they both argue the same damn thing. My made up god can beat up your made up god.

Religion is the bane of humanity.
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