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Ongoing unrest in Russia

??? where was that poll taken, Queensland? I never heard of it. I think the Poms thought 'same again, nah let's try something different.' As to your observation, how can a country, that has always been, still is, another country's puppy dog, ever be considered 'great' by the sane. Only the master changes. By definition 50% of any population is 'subnormal'.
??? where was that poll taken, Queensland? I never heard of it. I think the Poms thought 'same again, nah let's try something different.' As to your observation, how can a country, that has always been, still is, another country's puppy dog, ever be considered 'great' by the sane. Only the master changes. By definition 50% of any population is 'subnormal'.
The poll was country wide by one of the "reputable" polling companies

You know, that link itself is one of the problems with modern day "journalism".
Ignore the article text for a moment, just focus on the 2nd image where three guys ( one with a backpack ) are sweeping a muddy parking spot in front of a bombed out building on a pothole ridden road. The wording of the picture is:
Workers clear the road near a maternity hospital in Dnipro that was destroyed by a Russian missile strike, December 29, 2023.

Really? You're clearing inches thick soaking wet mud with a broom and a pushbroom?

What exactly is the value in that garbage other than trying to appeal to the emotions of the dumbest members of your audience?
This isn't just a value judgement only on CNN, rather most - if not all - of today's media, mainstream or not!
Seems a touch nitpick.

SeymourDumore said:
three guys

If you going to take issue with it, an eye check may be in order. Looks to be 3 Babushkas trying to clear a footpath where it crosses a road to me. I imagine you tend to use whatever is available in a war zone.

Despite the seemingly futile nature of it, still lots of places in Asia and Africa were a broom is about the total extent of equipment for cleaning up (dirt floors!).
I read that this big russian attack killed around 30 ukranians, mostly civilians. For months, the ukrainians have been killing 800 to 1000 russian troops a day.
Same reason the Allies wernt in Berlin in 1917....once either side leaves behind defensive positions ,casualties mount to unsustainable levels...........see claims that Putin is mounting a D Day style landing in the west ,possibly including Moldova.........this is going to make the Euro s very nervous.
Really ? Why aren’t the Ukrainians in Moscow by now ?

Regards Tyrone
Because the Ukrainians have been losing large numbers of troops also and they have a smaller pool. The Russians have always used the meat grinder and will continue to do so. Read up on Afghanistan and Chechnya. I'm not talking about internet gossip, there are papers written by officers from the Frunze academy outlining the campaigns they served in and the mistakes they made.

The way they pivoted in Grozny was brilliant and ultimately successful but in no way moral or even morally defensible. They went from a IFV with the standard complement of one RPG gunner and one machine gunner to something like 8 RPG gunners from memory. Every time they came up against a defensive position in a building the RPG gunners would take it out drop the building and move on. This happened after they lost an entire armoured column bar one officer on their first sortie into Grozny and they think the officer was left alive as a warning.

You can win as many tactical battles as you like and still lose a war. Ukraine does not have the manpower to fight this type war of attrition. Much as I admire their fighting spirit I think they will either be dragged kicking and screaming to the negotiating table or ground to dust
meanwhile Putin ally ,Vladimir Egorov has died in a fall from a high window .....Moscow police chief says there are no suspicious circumstances and closed the investigation ,as he has no wish to fall from a high window.
The infamous parachute training without the parachute.
The (possibly inaccurate) photo description doesn't seem important in this case.
On the contrary, that IS the importance from the media's standpoint!
Appeal to the visual senses of the unwashed, as they will not read any more than one fucking sentence before they move on.

For the record, the same tactic is also the reason for many of the Russian apologists on this very forum!
they will either be dragged kicking and screaming to the negotiating table or ground to dust
And I am sure that Urkina will not be crushed into dust even if aid from the US is stopped and aid from the EU is almost completely stopped (except for the states that have already experienced the “Russian world” in all its beauty - Poland, the Baltic countries).
To capture Kyiv, Putin would have to mobilize too many soldiers and suffer too many casualties, even for him. But of course, with a strong reduction in aid, the Russian army will be able to capture some more territory of Ukraine.
I heard a military advisor gave some advice in a documentary movie.

It is better to wound the enemy than to kill.
When you kill one enemy soldier, well you have killed one enemy soldier.
When you wound a enemy soldier it takes at least two others to evacuate the soldier.
Then it takes three or more others to take care of him. Maybe he never returns to battle again.
Add to this the fear factor.
